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Mark Morris

Mark Morris, Assistant Professor of Practice

Glass/3-D Foundations

Mark Morris taught glass at Tulane University for three years. He received his MFA in glass from Tulane in 2020 and earned a BA in sculpture from the University of New Orleans in 2018. Prior to that he served as teaching artist and glass studio manager at the YAYA Arts Center in New Orleans for ten years and taught workshops at Urban Glass in Brooklyn and Bullseye Glass Factory in Portland, Oregon. In 2009/10 he taught at the Toyama City Institute of Glass Art in Japan. Some of his most enriching experiences have been at Pilchuck Glass School, where he has participated as a staff member, student and teaching assistant for twelve summers. At SIU’s school of art and design, Mark works dual roles as assistant professor of practice and glass studio technician.

Mark Morris Pulliam Industrial Wing 14C