The goal of the School of Art and Design is to provide you all the resources possible to set you up for a successful future. Multiple funding opportunities are available for both undergraduate and graduate students, and our excellent advisors work hard to set you up in the right direction.
Funding contacts:
Undergraduate funding: Erin Palmer, Associate Professor 618-453-7767
Graduate funding: Pattie Chalmers, Head of Graduate Studies 618-453-4313
Incoming Student Scholarships
Incoming Student Scholarships
Incoming students are eligible to apply for a number of scholarships in the School of Art and Design and the University. The scholarships and their respective requirements for application are itemized below:
The Office of Records and Registration awards academic Scholarships for partial tuition waivers. Awards are based on high achievement on the American College Testing (ACT) Program Assessment Test. Any student with a score of 26 or higher on the ACT and/or who ranks in the top 10% of his or her high school class is invited to compete for these scholarships. For an application contact Undergraduate Admissions, Mailcode 4701, Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Carbondale, IL 62901 (618/536-4405).
John R. and Eleanor R. Mitchell Foundation Awards (Mt. Vernon, IL): Two special Mitchell Scholarship monetary awards will be awarded by the School of Art and Design for the academic year. To be eligible for one of these scholarships, an incoming student must reside in one of the lower 34 counties of Illinois. Students interested in competing for a Mitchell scholarship must have the following on file by March 15:
Application for admission to Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
Completion of this application requires a portfolio of applicant's artwork (12–15 samples) and a statement of purpose. Awards are based on portfolio evaluation. Mitchell Scholarship Application (download pdf)
Art History Endowment Scholarships are intended for incoming students interested in an art history major. Application (download pdf)
A complete list of University and College of Arts and Media scholarships is available from the Financial Aid Office website.
Current Student Scholarships
Current Student Scholarships
Art History Endowment Scholarships are intended for students pursuing art history major. Application (download pdf)
Windgate Charitable Foundation Scholarships and Grant Awardsare intended to support art and design students who are looking to further develop or enhance the skills they have learned at the School of Art and Design. Please read each description clearly, and be sure to include all the required material. One application cannot be used for multiple awards.
Windgate Charitable Foundation Educational Enrichmentscholarships are awarded to an Art or Design major participating in the School of Art and Design’s Art & Culture in the Scottish Landscape program or other study abroad program requiring SIUC tuition. Will also consider off-campus, non-international programs as well. Award varies. Completion of this application requires documents including the application, statement of goals/objectives, resume, and a Study Abroad/off-campus proposal (should include outcome/benefit). DueMarch 15th. Educational Enrichment Application
Windgate Charitable Foundation Educational Opportunityscholarships are awarded to current students majoring in Art or Design who demonstrate talent, effort, and need. Award varies. Completion of this application requires documents including the application, statement of goals/objectives, portfolio, and statement of need. See section D below. DueOctober 15thandMarch 15th. Educational Opportunity Application
Windgate Charitable Foundation Undergraduate Researchgrants are awarded to current students majoring in Art or Design to offset research expenses (materials, publications, etc.) or the costs of study at specialized institutions other than SIUC (e.g. Penland, Pilchuck, Smithsonian Institution). Award varies. Completion of this application requires documents including the application, research proposal (to include what, where, etc.), resume, overall budget (especially including materials), outcome/benefit statement (other than BFA exhibition), and statement in support of larger research goals. DueOctober 15thandMarch 15th. Research Grant Application
Windgate Fellowship Award A $15,000 for graduating seniors was established to encourage and advance the development of serious, innovative artists in the United States whose work is in some way related to, or informed by, the process, material, traditions and/or sensibilities of craft. SIU is one of only 100 schools invited to participate in the competition. We will nominate two graduating seniors with exemplary skill in craft to compete nationally for this award.
Students interested in applying should meet with a faculty member in their area of specialization to discuss the application and nomination process. Apply to be nominated by submitting:
An artist’s statement
A CD with 10 images of your work
A résumé with any exhibitions, academic/artistic honors, or other relevant achievements
An unofficial transcript of your coursework at SIUC
Applications for nomination are due to the Advisement Office (Allyn 103) by the first week of November. Please contact the Advisement Office for specific dates. Undergraduate students graduating between December and August are eligible. Applicants must be U.S. citizens or in the process of becoming a citizen.
Rickert-Ziebold Trust Award Competition. Every year seniors in the School of Art and Design are eligible for the Rickert-Ziebold award. The Rickert-Ziebold Trust Award is a substantial cash award, endowed by the estate of the late Marguerite L. Rickert-Ziebold in honor of Joseph Rickert, prominent lawyer and state senator from Waterloo, and his family. Please email Professor Sun Kyoung Kim at for more information.
Celine A. Chu Scholarship. Awarded to a current student majoring in Painting. Application.
Professor Steven Belletire Design Scholarship. Awarded to one Industrial Design and one Communication Design major completing their 300-level design studio courses and continuing as full-time SoAD students the coming Fall semester. Complete the following forms of application and send both electronically to Design Area Head, Professor Aaron Scott at Application Addendum
McNair Scholars Program Applications are available at Please email or visit their office in Woody Hall B145 if you have questions.
Office of Major Scholarship Advisement The Office of Major Scholarship Advisement (OMSA) provides advising and application assistance for all Southern Illinois University Carbondale students interested in pursuing nationally competitive scholarships and fellowships.
Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships
Graduate Fellowships and Scholarships
Students interested in Graduate Fellowships/Scholarships should refer to the Graduate School’s website where further information may be found on the following fellowships:
Delyte and Dorothy Morris Doctoral Fellowship
Doctoral Fellowship
Graduate Dean's Fellowship
Master's Fellowship
Graduate Scholarships
Federal Work Study Graduate Assistantship
Graduate Assistantship
PROMPT Fellowship/Assistantship
Professional Development Fellowships
CAA (College Art Association) awards five Professional Development Fellowships in the Visual Arts of $5,000 each to outstanding students who will receive MFA degrees. Eligibility requirements and application guidelines will be available on the CAA website. These are annual awards. Deadline is typically early October.
Financial Aid
Students admitted to SIU are eligible for financial aid. There are basic regulations that relate to these awards. Information regarding the federal work-study program and loans may be obtained by contacting the Financial Aid Office.
Nearly all of our graduate students receive funding while at SIU, often through a graduate assistantship. Our assistantships include, classroom teachers or assistants, research assistant or administrative assistant.
Students should submit an application for graduate assistantships, fellowships, or traineeships through their specific department. Information and application forms for the tuition scholarship program is available from the Graduate School office. Information regarding the federal work-study program and loans is available by contacting the SIU Financial Aid Office.