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William Retzlaff
William Retzlaff, Professor
Environmental Resources and Policy - SIUE Cooperative Faculty
Research Interests
- Performance of green roof and living wall technologies in the Midwestern United States
- Sustainable green infrastructure
- Sustainable use of residual waste products
Selected Publications
Alsup, S., S. Ebbs, and W. Retzlaff. 2009. The exchangeability and leachability of metals from select green roof growth substrates. Urban Ecosystems. Urban Ecosyst 13:91-111
Alsup, S., S. Ebbs, L. Battaglia, and W. Retzlaff. 2011. Heavy metals in leachate from simulated green roof systems. Ecol. Eng. 37:1709-1717
Morgan, S., I. Alyaseri, and W. Retzlaff. 2011. Suspended solids in and turbidity of runoff from green roofs. International J Phytotechnology. 13:179-193.
Brugam, R., M. Ketterer, L. Maines, ZH. Lin, and W. Retzlaff. 2012. Application of a simple binary mixing model to the reconstruction of lead pollution sources to two Mississippi River floodplain lakes. J of Paleolimnology 47:101-112
Pawlow, L and W. Retzlaff. 2012. Undergraduate researchers become change agents for sustainability. CUR Quarterly 33:28-32
Alsup, S., S. Ebbs, L. Battaglia, and W. Retzlaff. 2013. Green roof systems as sources or sinks influencing heavy metal concentrations in runoff. J Environ Eng 139:502-508
Morgan, S., S. Celik, and W. Retzlaff. 2013. Green roof storm water runoff quality and quantity. J Environ Eng 139:471-478
Alyaseri, I., S. Morgan, and W. Retzlaff. 2013. Using turbidity to determine total suspended solids in stormwater runoff from green roofs. J Environ Eng 139:822-828
Karanam, H., W. Retzlaff, S. Morgan, and S. Celik. 2013. Experimental and theoretical analysis of evapotranspiration in green roof systems. Pp. 1055-1066. IN: Causes, Impacts and Solutions to Global Warming (Eds. I. Dincer, C.O. Colpan, and F. Kadioglu). Springer New York
Karthic, I., R. Brugam, W. Retzlaff, and K. Johnson. 2013. The impact of nitrogen contamination and river modification on a Mississippi River floodplain lake. Science of Total Environ 463-364:734-742

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