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Environmental Resources and Policy Faculty
Our faculty are a unique blend of researchers, educators and professionals who are proven experts in their fields.
Carolyn Butts-Wilmsmeyer , Associate Professor and Director of the Center for Predictive Analytics
Environmental Resources and Policy - Biological Sciences
Research Interests:
As a statistical geneticist, my research interests lie at the intersection of predictive models, plant genetics, and human health. The overall goal of my research program is to build statistical models that allow us to predict and improve plant characteristics of economic and societal importance, such as the nutritional quality of grain crops and the natural resilience of plant production systems. My current research projects include developing more predictive genomic selection techniques for complex traits and minimizing the occurrence of mycotoxin-producing fungal pathogens in grain production systems.
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Phone: 618-650-2682
Leslie Duram, Professor, Fulbright Scholar, Director of the Environmental Studies Program
Geography and Environmental Resources
Dr. Duram's research interests are environmental geography (local- to global-scale environmental issues), environmental public participation, climate change education, plant-based diets, and campus sustainability.
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Office: 4537 Faner Hall
Scholar Profile
CV (pdf)
Karla Gage, Associate Professor
Crop, Soil and Environmental Management
Dr. Karla Gage is Assistant Professor of Weed Science and Plant Biology at Southern Illinois University Carbondale, where she received her Ph.D. in Plant Biology with a focus in Weed Ecology in 2013. She holds a cross-appointment between the College of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Plant Soil and Agricultural Systems and the College of Science, Department of Plant Biology. She has experience working with weed management research, planning and control in agricultural, grassland, forest, and aquatic ecosystems.
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Nicholas Guehlstorf, Professor
Environmental Resources and Policy - SIUE Cooperative Faculty
Nicholas P. Guehlstorf is a Professor of Political Science and Environmental Sciences at Southern Illinois University Edwardsville. He received his bachelors from Marquette University in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, his Masters in Washington D.C. at Catholic University of America and his Ph.D. in West Lafayette, Indiana from Purdue University. Guehlstorf offers courses in environmental law, American government, political theory, and environmental public policy and administration. His scholarly work focuses on the applicability deliberative democracy theories have for environmental problems as his scholarship has examined the practical policy considerations environmental democracy has for genetically modified food regulations, sustainable farming practices, brownfield redevelopment programs, and wetland laws.View Full Bio

Phone: 618-650-3852
Scott Hamilton-Brehm, Associate Professor
Environmental Resources and Policy - Microbiology
Research Specialties: Anaerobic and aerobic cultivation of microorganisms, environmental sampling.
PhD, 2008, University of Georgia, Athens, GA
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Phone: 618-453-3818
Kristin Hurst, Assistant Professor
Geography and Environmental Resources
Dr. Hurst's research interests include Sustainability Psychology, Pro-environmental Behavior, Climate Change Engagement, and Human-Environment Interactions.
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Phone: 618-536-3375
Office: 4520 Faner Hall
Google Scholar Profile
CV (pdf)
Liliana Lefticariu, Professor
Professor Lefticariu is a broadly trained geochemist with cross-disciplinary links to several areas of geology such as biogeochemistry, economic geology, and coal geochemistry. Her specialty is low-temperature geochemistry with an emphasis on the stable isotopes of elements that play key roles in biogeochemical processes. Her research is primarily devoted to solving diverse theoretical and practical problems with application in the geological and environmental science.
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Office: Parkinson Lab 301 D
Phone: 618-453-7373
Fax: 618-453-7393
Curriculum Vitae
Personal Webpage
Ruopu Li, Associate Professor
Geography and Environmental Resources
Dr. Li's research centers on the Geoinformatics for Food-Energy-Water (GeoFEW). His specific research topics include Water Resources Modeling and Management, Food-Energy-Water Nexus, Social-Hydrological Systems, Energy Geography, and Smart and Connected Communities. His research methods involve geospatial artificial intelligence, social media data mining, multispectral drones, and community surveys.
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Phone: 618-453-6038
Office: 4543 Faner Hall
The GeoFEW Research Lab
Scholar Profile
CV (pdf)
Zhi-Qing Lin, Professor

Phone: 618-650-2650
Adriana Martinez, Assistant Professor
Environmental Resources and Policy - SIUE Cooperative Faculty
Dr. Adriana E. Martinez's research focuses on the influence of human activities along river systems. She most recently studied the interactions between invasive riparian vegetation and stream channels. Vegetation influences river systems, through the interruption and channeling of flow, and is influenced by rivers, through the timing and regularity of inundation and nutrient fluxes. The resurgence of this science, biogeomorphology, is helping researchers better understand river systems and ultimately, helping us more efficiently and effectively restore rivers that have been significantly altered by human practices.
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Logan Park, Associate Professor
Logan O. Park is the Associate Professor of Forest Recreation and Park Management in the Forestry Department of Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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Jonathan Remo, Associate Professor
Geography and Environmental Resources
Dr. Remo’s research interests lie within four major themes: river science, river management, flood hazard assessment, and mitigation. Areas of research specialization include fluvial geomorphology, flood hydrology, hydraulic modeling, disaster-mitigation planning, and disaster-loss modeling.
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Phone: 618-453-6021
Office: 4531 Faner Hall
Scholar Profile
CV (pdf)
William Retzlaff, Professor

Phone: 618-650-2728
Charles Ruffner, Professor
Charles M. Ruffner, Ph.D., specializes in old-growth forest ecology and fire history in his research and teaching, and is deeply engaged in service with professional and community groups at multiple scales.
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Amir Sadeghpour, Associate Professor
Crop, Soil and Environmental Management
Dr. Amir Sadeghpour is an Assistant Professor of Soil Management and Integrated Cropping Systems in the Department of Plant, Soil, and Agricultural Systems at Southern Illinois University Carbondale.
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Office: Agriculture Building, Room 176
Phone: (618) 453-1795
Justin Schoof, Director, School of Earth Systems and Sustainability and Professor, Geography and Environmental Resources
Geography and Environmental Resources
Dr. Schoof's research interests include climate variability and change, synoptic climatology, and statistical climatology.
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Phone: 618-453-6019
Office: 4524 Faner Hall
Scholar Profile
CV (pdf)
Jon Schoonover, Professor
Dr. Schoonover serves as Professor of Physical Hydrology and Soils in the Forestry Program at SIUC.
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Chris Theodarakis, Professor

Phone: 618-650-5235
Guangxing Wang, Professor, Remote Sensing and GIS
Geography and Environmental Resources
Dr. Wang's research interests include remote sensing, GIS, spatial statistics and their applications to geography, natural and environmental resources with the specific areas: sampling design strategies; human activity and natural disaster induced vegetation disturbance and soil erosion, environmental quality assessment; forest and city vegetation carbon sequestration modeling and mapping; wetland classification and dynamics monitoring; desertification trend monitoring; quality assessment and spatial uncertainty analysis of remote sensing and GIS products.
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Phone: 618-453-6017
Office: 4442 Faner Hall
Scholar Profile
CV (pdf)
Karl Williard, Professor and Director
Forestry, School of Forestry and Horticulture
Karl W.J. Williard is a Professor of Forest Hydrology and Watershed Management in the Forestry Program at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIU).
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