Main Content
Zhi-Qing Lin
Zhi-Qing Lin, Professor
Environmental Resources and Policy - SIUE Cooperative Faculty
Research Interests
- Developing phytoremediation technology for the cleanup of trace element contaminated water and soil, including the use of phytoextraction, phytostabilization, phytovolatilization, and constructed wetland treatment systems
- Understanding the control of major environmental factors over the biogeochemical cycles of contaminants in the air-water-soil-plant system, particularly with respect to transport, fate, and chemical transformation of pollutants in ecosystems
- Characterizing ecosystem responses to phytoremediation processes and other anthropogenic perturbations, such as agricultural or industrial pollution and waste management
My research program is conducted in an interdisciplinary approach, combining laboratory, field, and theoretical approaches, and at multiple spatial and temporal scales.
- Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of California at Berkeley, USA, 1996-2000
- Doctor of Philosophy, McGill University, Canada, 1996
- Master of Science, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China, 1986
- Bachelor of Science, Liaoning University, China, 1983
Professional Experience
- Chair, Department of Environmental Sciences, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 6/2017 - 6/2018
- Director, Environmental Sciences Program, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 7/2007 - 6/2010; 7/2013 - 6/2017
- Distinguished Research Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 2/2020 - Present
- Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 7/2013 - 2/2020
- Associate Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 7/2007 - 6/2013
- Assistant Professor, Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, 8/2002 - 7/2007
- Postgraduate Researcher, University of California at Berkeley, 5/2001 - 7/2002
- Assistant Research Scientist, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8/1988 - 1/1990
- Research Associate, Chinese Academy of Sciences, 8/1986 - 7/1988
Research Laboratory
- Applied Ecology (ENSC 450/BIOL 464, Spring)
- Toxicants in Environment: Sampling and Analysis (ENSC 325b, Fall)
- Environmental Sampling (ENSC 520, Summer)
- Pollution Ecology (BIOL 468, Fall; ENSC 540, Summer)
Publications (Peer-Reviewed Journals, Books, and Conference Proceedings)
(Reprints can be Requested via Email)
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, D.L. Liang, and X.B. Yin (eds.). 2019. Selenium Research for Environment and Human Health: Perspectives, Technologies, and Advancements. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (ISBN: 9781138390140). 260p.
- Pilon-Smits, E.A.H., L.H.E. Winkel, and Z.-Q. Lin (eds.). 2017. Selenium in Plants - Molecular, Physiological, Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects. Springer, New York (ISBN-13:978-3319562483). 324p.
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, M.F. de Moraes, L.R.G. Guilherme, and A.R. dos Reis (eds.). 2015. Global Advances in Selenium Research from Theory to Application. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (ISBN: 9781138027312). 210p.
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, and X.B. Yin (eds.). 2014. Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida (ISBN: 9781138000179). 248p.
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, X.B. Yin, and N. Duan (eds.). 2011. Selenium: Global Perspectives of Impacts on Humans, Animals and the Environment. USTC Press, Hefei, China (ISBN: 978-7-312-02929-5). 128p.
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, and X.B. Yin (eds.). 2009. Selenium Deficiency, Toxicity and Biofortification for Human Health. USTC Press, Hefei, China (ISBN: 978-7-312-02592-1). 116p.
- Bañuelos, G.S. and Z.-Q. Lin (eds.). 2009. Use and Development of Biofortified Agricultural Products. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida (ISBN: 978-1-4200-6005-8). 297p.
Chapters in Peer-Reviewed Books and Proceedings
- Banuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, and M. Broadley. 2017. Selenium biofortification. 231-256. In: Pilon-Smits, E.A.H., L.H.E. Winkel, and Z.-Q. Lin (eds.), Selenium in Plants - Molecular, Physiological, Ecological and Evolutionary Aspects. Springer, New York.
- Lin, Zhi-Qing, Solomon Miller, and Jie Hong. 2015. Microbial effects on selenium nutritional values in biofortification. 283-296. In: Hakalehto, E. (ed.), Microbiological Food Hygiene, Nova Science Publishers, New York.
- Wu, Zhilin, Gary S. Bañuelos, Xuebin Yin, Zhi-qing Lin, Norman Terry, Ying Liu, Linxi Yuan, and Miao Li. 2015. Phytoremediation of metalloid selenium in soil and water. 171-175. In: Ansari, A.A., Gill, S.S., Gill, R., Lanza, G.R., Newman, L. (eds.), Phytoremediation: Management of Environmental Contaminants, Vol. 2. Springer, New York.
- Lin, Z.-Q. and G.S. Bañuelos. 2015. Soil salination indicators. 319-330. In: R.H. Armon, O. Hänninen (eds.), Environmental Indicators. Springer Science+Business Media, Dordrecht.
- Lin, Z.Q., S. Haddad, J. Hong, J. Morrissy, G.S. Bañuelos and L.Y. Zhang. 2014. Use of selenium-contaminated plants from phytoremediation for production of selenium-enriched edible mushrooms. 124-126. In: Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, and X.B. Yin (eds.). Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Jones, L., V. Sever, Z.-Q. Lin, and G.S. Bañuelos. 2014. The source-partitioning of selenium volatilization in soil-Stanleya pinnata and Brassica juncea systems. 24-26. In: Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, and X.B. Yin (eds.). Selenium in the Environment and Human Health. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Yuan, L.X., X.B. Yin, Y.Y. Zhu, F. Li, Y. Huang,Y. Liu, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Selenium in plants and soils, and selenosis in Enshi, China: Implications for selenium biofortification. 7-31. In: X.B. Yin and L.X. Yuan (eds.), Phytoremediation and Biofortification: Two sides of one coin. Springer, New York.
- Yin, X.B., L.X. Yuan, Y. Liu, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Phytoremediation and Biofortification: Two sides of one coin. 1-6. In: X.B. Yin and L.X. Yuan (eds.), Phytoremediation and Biofortification: Two sides of one coin. Springer, New York.
- Mudhoo, A. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Phytoremediation of nickel - mechanisms, application and management. 173-195. In: N. Ekekwe and N. Islam (eds.), Disruptive Technologies, Innovation and Global Redesign: Emerging Implication. Information Science Reference (IGI Global), Hershey, Pennsylvania, USA.
- Lin, Z.-Q. 2011. Biogenic volatilization in soil-plant systems. 11-12. In: Bañuelos, G.S., Lin, Z.-Q., Yin, X.B. and Duan, N. (eds.), Selenium: Global Perspectives of Impacts on Humans, Animals and the Environment. University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, China (ISBN: 978-7-312-02929-5).
- Haddad, S. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2011. Tolerance and accumulation of selenium by White Button and Baby Bella (Agaricus bisporus) Mushrooms. 99-100. In: Bañuelos, G.S., Lin, Z.-Q., Yin, X.B. and Duan, N. (eds.), Selenium: Global Perspectives of Impacts on Humans, Animals and the Environment. University of Science and Technology of China Press, Hefei, China (ISBN: 978-7-312-02929-5).
- Pilon-Smits, E.A.H., J.R. Valdez barillas, D. Van Hoewyk, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2010. Phytoremediation of selenium. 355-372. In: G. Płaza (ed.), Trends in Bioremediation and Phytoremediation. Research Signpost, Kerala, India.
- Huff, D., J. Harris, P. Brunkow, K.A. Johnson, Z.-Q. Lin, and J. Schaefer. 2010. Accumulation and distribution of arsenic in pond snail and fish with different feeding strategies and effects of phosphorous contamination in wetland microcosms. 204-205. In: J.-S. Jean, J. Bundschuh, and P. Bhattacharya (eds.), Arsenic in Geosphere and Human Diseases – As 2010. CRC Press. Boca Raton, FL.
- Mudhoo, A., S.K. Sharma, Z.-Q. Lin, and O.P. Dhankher. 2010. Phytoremediation of arsenic-contaminated environment: An overview. 127-149. In: S.K. Sharma and A. Mudhoo (Eds.), Green Chemistry for Environmental Sustainability. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Liu, Y., F. Li, X.B. Yin, Z.-Q. Lin. 2010. Plant-based biofortification: from phytoremediation to selenium-enriched agricultural products. 341-356. In: S.K. Sharma and A. Mudhoo (Eds.), Green Chemistry for Environmental Sustainability. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Lin, Z.-Q. 2009. Uptake and accumulation of selenium in plants in relation to chemical speciation and biotransformation. 45-56. In: G. Banuelos and Z.-Q. Lin (eds.), Development and Uses of Biofortified Agricultural Products. CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida.
- Lin, Z.-Q. 2008. Ecological process: volatilization. 3700-3705. In: S.E. Jorgensen and B.D. Fath (eds.), Encyclopedia of Ecology, 1st edition, Elsevier B.V., Oxford, UK.
- Ruppert, L., Z.-Q. Lin, R.P. Dixon, and K.A. Johnson. 2007. Identification of volatile arsenical compounds produced during phytoremediation using a novel sampling and GC-MS technique. 873-874. In: Y. Zhu, N. Lepp, and R. Naidu (Eds.), Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements: Environmental Protection, Remediation, and Human Health, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China (ISBN: 978-7-302-15627-7).
- Upadhyaya, P., R.P. Dixon, D. Duvernell, K.A. Johnson, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2007. Selenium volatilization by soil bacteria isolated from rhizosphere of rabbitfoot grass (Polypogon monspeliensis). 562-563. In: Y. Zhu, N. Lepp, and R. Naidu (eds.), Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements: Environmental Protection, Remediation, and Human Health, Tsinghua University Press, Beijing, China (ISBN 978-7-302-15627-7).
- Lin, Z.-Q., H. Mohamed, Z. H. Ye, and N. Terry. 2007. Phytorestoration of metal-contaminated industrial wasteland: a greenhouse feasibility study. 487-502. In: D. Sarkar, R. Datta, and R. Hannigan (eds.), Concepts and Applications in Environmental Geochemistry. Elsevier, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
- Bañuelos, G.S. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2007. Reuse of agricultural drainage water in Central California: phytosustainability in soil with high levels of salinity and toxic trace elements. 79-88. In: E. Frossard, W. E.H. Blum, B. Warkentin, and U. Wolf (eds.), Function of Soils for Human Societies and the Environment. The Geological Society, London, Special Publications, 266.
- Lin, Z.-Q. 2005. Bioaccumulation. 34-36. In: Jay H. Lehr and Jack Keeley (eds.). Water Encyclopedia: Surface and Agricultural Water. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Hoboken, NJ.
- Lin, Z.-Q., H. Hussein, A. Tagmount, A. Lee, and N. Terry. 2003. Pickleweed: a novel species for the phytoremediation of selenium. 172-173. In: G.R. Gobran and N. Lepp (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 1(2), SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (ISBN: 91-576-6582-6).
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, N. Terry, and I. Arroyo. 2003. Managing toxic levels of soluble selenium in drainage sediment with phytoremediation. 128-129. In: G.R. Gobran and N. Lepp (eds.), Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 1(2). SLU, Uppsala, Sweden (ISBN: 91-576-6582-6).
- Fox, P., D. LaDuc, H. Hussein, Z.-Q. Lin, and N. Terry. 2002. Selenium speciation in soils and plants. 339-345. In: Y. Cai, and O. Braids, (eds.), Biogeochemistry of Environmentally Important Trace Elements. American Chemical Society.
- Zayed, A. Pilon-Smits, E. de Souza, M. Lin, Z.-Q. and Terry, N. 2000. Remediation of selenium-polluted soils and waters by phytovolatilization. 61-83. In: N. Terry and G.S. Bañuelos (eds.), Phytoremediation of Metal Contaminated Soil and Water. Lewis Publishers, New York.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Schuepp, P.H., Barthakur, N.N., Kennedy, G.G., and Schemenauer, R.S. 1997. On pathways of Mn and Zn deposited in subalpine forests in southern Quebec, Canada. 099, 6 pp. In: R. Prost (ed.), Contaminated Soils. INRA, Paris.
- Huang, H.-Y., Jiang, D.-M., Zhang, Y.-B., Lin, Z.-Q., and Wang, Y.-Y. 1993. Heavy metals in tree rings: A bioindicator of environmental pollution. 1-6. In: Tu, Guangzhi and Liu, Dongsheng (eds.). Environmental Geochemistry and Human Health. Chinese Environmental Science Press, Beijing, China.
Articles in Peer-Reviewed Journals
- Xu, Wenpo, Jian-Ming Zhu, Thomas M. Johnson, Xiangli Wang, Zhi-Qing Lin, Decan Tan, and Haibo Qin. 2020. Selenium isotope fractionation during adsorption by Fe, Mn, and Al oxides. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 272: 121–136.
- Quang Toan Dinh, Mengke Wang, Thi Anh Thu Tran, Fei Zhou, Dan Wang, Hui Zhai, Qin Peng, Mingyue Xue, Zekun Du, Gary S. Bañuelos, Zhi-Qing Lin, and Dongli Liang. 2019. Bioavailability of selenium in soil-plant system and a regulatory approach. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 49(6): 443-517.
- Yue, Shizhong, Huiqi Zhang, Huayang Zhen, Zhiqing Lin, and Yuhui Qiao. 2019. Selenium accumulation, speciation and bioaccessibility in selenium enriched earthworm (Eisenia fetida). Microchemical Journal. 145: 1-8.
- Zhu, Yanyun, Baoyu Ren, Huafen Li, Zhiqing Lin, Gary Bañuelos, Li Li, Guishen Zhao & Yanbin Guo. 2018. Biosynthesis of selenium nanoparticles and effects of selenite, selenate, and selenomethionine on cell growth and morphology in Rahnella aquatilis HX2. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 102: 6191-6205.
- Lu, Xiaoqi, Zisen He, Zhiqing Lin, Yuanyuan Zhu, Linxi Yuan, Ying Liu, and Xuebin Yin. 2018. Effects of Chinese cooking methods on the content and speciation of selenium in selenium biofortified cereals and soybeans. Nutrients 10: 317.
- Zhang, T.Q., Z.M. Zheng, R. Lal, Z.-Q. Lin, A.N. Sharpley, A.L. Shober, D. Smith, C.S. Tan, and P. Van Cappellen. 2018. Environmental indicator principium with case references to agricultural soil, water, and air qualities and model-derived indicators. Journal of Environmental Quality. 47(2): 191-202.
- Qin, Hai-Bo, Jian-Ming Zhu, Zhi-Qing Lin, Wen-Po Xu, De-Can Tan, Li-Rong Zheng, and Yoshio Takahashi. 2017. Selenium speciation in seleniferous agricultural soils under different cropping systems using sequential extraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy. Environmental Pollution. 225: 361-369.
- Li, Zhe, Dongli Liang, Qin Peng, Zewei Cui, Jie Huang, and Zhi-Qing Lin. 2017. Interaction between selenium and soil organic matter and its impact on soil selenium bioavailability: A review. Geoderma, 295: 69–79.
- Wu, Z., Yin, X., Bañuelos, G.S., Lin, Z.-Q., Liu, Y., Li, M. and Yuan, L. 2016. Indications of selenium protection against cadmium and lead toxicity in oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). Front. Plant Sci. 7:1875. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2016.01875.
- Wu, Z., Yin, X., Bañuelos, G.S., Lin, Z.-Q, Zhu, Z., Liu, Y., Yuan, L. and Li, M. 2016. Effect of selenium on control of postharvest gray mould of tomato fruit and the possible mechanisms involved. Front. Microbiol. 6:1441. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2015.01441.
- Mikelson, C., M.J. Kovach, J. Troisi, S. Symes, D. Adair, R.K. Miller, C. Salafia, K. Johnson, Z.-Q. Lin, and S. Richards. 2015. Placental 11b-Hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 expression: Correlations with birth weight and placental metal concentrations. Placenta, 36: 1212-1217.
- Paige, A.J., Mccracken, V.J, Theodorakis, C. and Lin, Z.-Q. 2015. Microbial accumulation and transformation of nanoscale elemental selenium particles. Journal of Environmental Indicators, 9:23-24.
- Yu, Dasong, Dongli Liang, Lingming Lei, Rong Zhang, Xiaofeng Sun, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2015. Selenium geochemical distribution in the environment and predicted human daily dietary intake in northeastern Qinghai, China. Environ. Sci. Pollut. Res. 22:11224–11235.
- Wu, Zhilin, G.S. Banuelos, Z.-Q. Lin, Xuebin Yin, Linxi Yuan, Ying Liu, and Miao Li. 2015. Biofortification and phytoremediation of selenium in China. Front. Plant Sci. 6:136.
- Wu, Zhilin, Xuebin Yin, Z.-Q. Lin, Gary S. Bañuelos, Linxi Yuan, Ying Liu, and Miao Li. 2014. Inhibitory effect of selenium against Penicillium expansum and its possible mechanisms of action. Current Microbiology. 69(2):192-201
- Ruppert, L., Z.-Q. Lin, R.P. Dixon, and K.A. Johnson. 2013. Assessment of solid phase microfiber extraction fibers for the monitoring of volatile organoarsinicals emitted from a plant-soil system. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 262: 1230-1236.
- Huang, J.C., M. Suárez, S.I. Yang, Z.-Q. Lin, and N. Terry. 2013. Development of a constructed wetland water treatment system for selenium removal: Incorporation of an algal treatment component. Environmental Science and Technology. 47: 10518−10525.
- Yuan, L., Y.Y. Zhu, Z.-Q. Lin, G.S. Bañuelos, W. Li, and X.B. Yin. 2013. A novel selenocystine-accumulating plant in selenium-mine drainage area in Enshi, China. PLoS ONE 8(6): e65615.
- Huang, Y., Q. Wang, J. Gao, Z.-Q. Lin, G.S. Bañuelos, L.X. Yuan, and X.B. Yin. 2013. Daily dietary selenium intake and hair selenium contents in a high selenium area of Enshi, China. Nutrients. 5(3): 700-710.
- Hussar, E., S. Richards, Z.-Q. Lin, R.P. Dixon, and K.A. Johnson. 2012. Human health risk assessment of 16 priority polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils of Chattanooga, Tennessee, USA. Water, Soil, and Air Pollution. 223(9): 5535-5548.
- Wang, S., D. Liang, D. Wang, W. Wei, D. Fu, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Selenium fractionation and speciation in agriculture soils and accumulation in corn (Zea mays L.) under field conditions in Shaaxi Province, China. Science of the Total Environment. 427-428: 159–164.
- Mahdy, A.M., E.A. Elkhatib, N.O. Fathi, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2012. Use of drinking water treatment residuals in reducing bioavailability of metals in biosolid-amended alkaline soils. Communication in Soil Science and Plant Analysis. 43: 1216–1236.
- Brugam, R.B., M. Ketterer, L. Maines, Z.-Q. Lin, and W.A. Retzlaff. 2012. Application of a simple binary mixing model to the reconstruction of lead pollution sources in two Mississippi River floodplain lakes. Journal of Paleolimnology. 47: 101-112.
- Mahdy, A., E. Elkhatib, N. Fathi, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2011. Soil solution changes affected by biosolids and aluminum-based drinking water treatment residuals (Al-WTRs) during a short-term incubation experiment. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 2: 21-36.
- Mahdy, A., E. Elkhatib, N. Fathi, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2011. Phosphorus speciation in drinking water treatment residuals (WTRs) and biosolid-amended soils using XANES Spectroscopy. Journal of Environment and Earth Science. 1: 6-20.
- Gao, J., Y. Liu, Z.-Q. Lin, G.S. Bañuelos, M. Lam, X.B. Yin. 2010. Daily selenium intake in a moderate selenium deficiency area of Suzhou, China. Food Chemistry. 126(3):1088-1093.
- Bañuelos, G.S. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2010. Cultivation of the Indian fig Opuntia in selenium-rich drainage sediments under field conditions. Soil Use and Management. 26(2): 167-175.
- Lin, Z.-Q., N. Terry, S.D. Gao, H. Hussein, and Z.H. Ye. 2010. Vegetation changes and partitioning of selenium in 4-year-old constructed wetlands treating agricultural drainage. International Journal of Phytoremediation.12(3): 255-267.
- Mahdy, A.M., E.A. Elkhatib, N.O. Fathi and Z.-Q. Lin. 2009. Effects of co-application of biosolids and water treatment residuals on corn growth and bioavailable phosphorus and aluminum in alkaline soils in Egypt. Journal of Environmental Quality. 38: 1501-1510.
- Keller, S., T. Zhang, S. Webb, R. Brugam, K. Johnson and Z.-Q. Lin. 2008. Effects of suburban land use on phosphorous fractions and speciation in the Upper Peruque Creek, Eastern Missouri. Water Environment Research. 80(4): 316-323.
- Bañuelos, G.S. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2007. Acceleration of selenium volatilization in seleniferous agricultural drainage sediments amended with methionine and casein. Environmental Pollution. 150(3):306-12
- Adair, D. Z.-Q. Lin, S. Richards, C. Salafia, R. Miller, D. Misra, B. Duthie, and L. Mason. 2006. Human placental arsenic levels correlate with low birth weight (LBW). Reproductive Sciences. 13(2): 198A.
- Shrestha, B., S. Lipe, K.A. Johnson, T.Q. Zhang, W. Retzlaff, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2006. Soil hydraulic manipulation and organic amendment for the enhancement of selenium volatilization in a soil-pickleweed system. Plant and Soil. 288: 189-196.
- Tryfonas, A. E., J.K. Tucker, P.E. Brunkow, K.A. Johnson, H.S. Hussein, and Z.-Q. Lin. 2006. Metal accumulation in eggs of the red-eared slider (Trachemys scripta elegans) in the Lower Illinois River. Chemosphere. 63: 39-48.
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, I. Arroyo, and N. Terry. 2005. Selenium volatilization in vegetated agricultural drainage sediment from the San Luis Drain, Central California. Chemosphere. 60(9): 1203-1213.
- Bañuelos, G.S. and Z.-Q. Lin. 2005. Phytoremediation management of selenium-laden drainage sediments in the San Luis Drain: A greenhouse feasibility study. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 62(3): 309-316.
- Ye, Z. H., Z.-Q. Lin, S. N. Whiting, M. P. de Souza, and N. Terry. 2003. Possible use of constructed wetland to remove selenocyanate, arsenic, and boron from electric utility waste-water. Chemosphere. 52: 1571-1579.
- Gao, S. K.K. Tanji Z.-Q. Lin, N. Terry, and D.W. Peters. 2003. Selenium removal and mass balance in a constructed flow-through wetland system. Journal of Environmental Quality. 32: 1557-1570.
- Gao, S., K.K. Tanji, D.W. Peters, Z.-Q. Lin, and N. Terry. 2003. Selenium removal from irrigation drainage water flowing through constructed wetland cells with special attention to accumulation in sediments. Water, Air and Soil Pollution. 1: 263-284.
- Lin, Z.-Q. and N. Terry. 2003. Selenium removal by constructed wetlands: Quantitative importance of biological volatilization in the treatment of selenium-laden agricultural drainage water. Environmental Science and Technology. 3: 606-615.
- Bañuelos, G.S., Z.-Q. Lin, L. Wu, and N. Terry. 2002. Phytoremediation of selenium-contaminated soils and waters: fundamentals and future prospects. Reviews on Environmental Health. 4: 291-306.
- Lin, Z.-Q., M. de Souza, I.J. Pickering, and N. Terry. 2002. Evaluation of the macroalga, Chara canescens, for the remediation of selenium-contaminated agricultural drainage by microcosms. Journal of Environmental Quality. 31: 2104-2110.
- Lin, Z.-Q., V. Cervinka, I.J. Pickering, A. Zayed, and N. Terry. 2002. Managing selenium-contaminated agricultural drainage water by the Integrated on-Farm Drainage Management system: role of selenium volatilization. Water Research. 12: 3149-3159.
- Lee, A., Z.-Q. Lin, I.J. Pickering, and N. Terry. 2001. X-ray absorption spectroscopy study shows that the rapid selenium volatilizer, pickleweed (Salicornia bigelovii Torr.), reduces selenate to organic forms without the aid of microbes. Planta. 213: 977-980.
- Ye, Z.H., S.N. Whiting, J.H. Qian, C.M. Lytle, Z.-Q. Lin, and N. Terry. 2001. Trace element removal from coal ash leachate by a 10-year-old constructed wetland. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30: 1710-1719.
- Ye, Z.H. S.N. Whiting, Z.-Q. Lin, C.M. Lytle, J.H. Qian, and N. Terry. 2001. Removal and distribution of Fe, Mn, Co, and Ni within a Pennsylvania constructed wetland treating coal combustion by-product leachate. Journal of Environmental Quality. 30: 1464-1473.
- Lin, Z.-Q., R.S. Schemenauer, V. Cervinka, A. Zayed, and N. Terry. 2000. Selenium volatilization from a soil-plant treatment system for the remediation of contaminated water and soil in the San Joaquin Valley. Journal of Environmental Quality. 29: 1048-1056.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Hansen, D., Zayed, A., and Terry, N. 1999. Biological selenium volatilization: method of measurement under field conditions. Journal of Environmental Quality. 28: 309-315.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Schemenauer, R.S., Schuepp, P.H., Barthakur, N.N., and Kennedy, G.G. 1997. Airborne metal pollutants in southern Quebec, Canada and their likely source regions. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 87: 41-54.
- Lin, Z.-Q., and Schuepp, P.H. 1996. Contamination and distribution of metal deposits on the surface of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L) Mill) foliage by micro-PIXE. Environmental Science and Technology. 30(1): 246-251.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Hendershot, W.H., Kennedy, G.G., Dutilleul, P., and Schuepp, P.H. 1996. Total elements in forest soils affected by acid deposition in southern Quebec. Canadian Journal of Soil Science. 76: 165-171.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Barthakur, N.N., Schuepp, P.H., and Kennedy, G.G. 1996. Uptake and translocation studies in balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L) Mill.) seedlings with 54Mn and 65Zn radioisotopes applied to soil surfaces. Journal of Environmental Quality. 25(1): 92-96.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Barthakur, N.N., Schuepp, P.H., and Kennedy, G.G. 1995. Uptake and translocation of 54Mn and 65Zn applied on foliage and bark surfaces of balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L.) Mill.) seedlings. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 35(4): 475-483.
- Lin, Z.-Q., Schuepp, P.H., Schemenauer, R.S., and Kennedy, G.G. 1995. Trace metal contamination in and on balsam fir (Abies balsamea (L) Mill.) foliage in southern Quebec, Canada. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution. 81: 175-191.
- Huang, H.-Y., Jiang, D.-M., and Lin, Z.-Q. 1993. Cadmium in tree rings and environmental Cd-pollution. China Environmental Science. 13(1): 11-16.
- Huang, H.-Y., Jiang, D.-M., Zhang, C.-X., Zhang, Y.-B., and Lin, Z.-Q. 1991. Study of the control of cadmium-pollution in soils by forest ecological engineering. China Environmental Science (English Edition). 2(1): 36-45.
- Lin, Z.-Q. and H.-Y Huang. 1989. Tolerance of woody-plants to mercury. Acta Ecological Sinica. 9(4): 315-319.
- Lin, Z.-Q. and H.-Y Huang. 1989. Uptake and tolerance of plants to mercury in soils (Review). Agro-Environmental Protection. 8(5): 33-35.
- Lin, Z.-Q. and H.-Y Huang. 1989. Application of forest eco-engineering in controlling environmental pollution. Urban Environment and Ecology. 2(1): 41-43.
- Lin, Z.-Q. and H.-Y Huang. 1988. On phytoremediation of Hg-contaminated soils by woody-plants. China Environmental Science. 8(3): 35-40.
- Liu, R.-K., Z.-Q., Lin, L. Wang, and W.-H., Chen. 1986. Sulphur content in tree bark and the assessment of air quality in winter. Journal of Liaoning University (Natural Sciences). 3: 54-59.
- Vice President, International Society of Environmental Indicators (2009-2015)
- Secretary, International Society for Selenium Research (2020-present)
- Treasurer, International Society for Selenium Research (2012-2019)
- Chair, Environmental Science Division, Illinois State Academy of Science (2004-2006)
- Member of Editorial Board: Journal of Environmental Indicators, International Society of Environmental Indicators (2010-present)
- Member of Editorial Board: Current Bioactive Compounds, Bentham Science Publishers (2007-present)
- Theme Editor: Biological Science. The Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), developed under the auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers Co. Ltd., UK (2006-present)
- Co-Chair, Conference series - International Conference on Selenium in the Environment and Human Health
- Chair, Phytoremediation of Metalloids Session at the 3rd International Conference on Soil Pollution and Remediation, 2008, Nanjing, China
- Chair, Bioindicators of Water, Air and Soil Pollution Session at the 16th International Conference on Environmental Bioindicators, 2008, Orlando, Florida
- Chair, Salinity & Selenium Session at the 4th International Conference on Phytotechnologies, 2007, Denver, USA
- Co-Chair, Symposium on the Development and Uses of Biofortified Agricultural Products at the 9th International Conference on the Biogeochemistry of Trace Elements, 2007, Beijing, China
- Chair, Bioindicators of Water, Air and Soil Pollution Session at the 15th International Conference on Environmental Bioindicators, 2007, Hong Kong
- Invited Scientific Reviewer for Journals: Agricultural and Food Science in Finland; Australian Journal of Soil Research; Bioremediation Journal; Bioresource Technology; Chemosphere; Ecotoxicology; Environmental Monitoring and Assessment; Environmental Pollution; Environmental Sciences & Technology; Environmental Technology; Ethiopian Journal of Science; Functional Plant Biology; International Journal of Environmental Analytical Chemistry; International Journal of Phytoremediation; Journal of Environmental Engineering; Journal of Environmental Management; Journal of Environmental Quality; Journal of Environmental Sciences; Journal of Hydrology; Journal of Plant Growth Regulation; Landscape and Urban Planning; Oxford University Press; Pedosphere: an International Journal; Plant Physiology and Biochemistry; Plant and Soil; Science of the Total Environment; Soil and Sediment Contamination; Soil Use and Management; Water Environment Research; Wetlands
- Invited Scientific Reviewer for Funding Agencies: Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Arab Science & Technology Foundation; Louisiana’s National Science Foundation; Qatar National Research Fund; Swiss National Science Foundation; USDA-CSREES; U.S. Army Corps of Engineers; U.S. Civilian Research & Development Foundation; U.S. National Science Foundation.
- The Telegraph: April 27, 2019. SIUE’s inaugural water symposium highlighted a broad range of experts. (
- TE News: 2013, 3(1), 13. Selenium-enriched edible mushrooms: Integrating selenium phytoremediation with biofortification. [full article]
- US EPA-P3: April 21-23, 2012. Use of selenium-contaminated plant waste materials from phytoremediation in central California for production of selenium-enriched edible mushrooms. ( [flash video]
- St. Louis Post-Dispatch: May 21, 2012. SIUE students’ research honored. (
- This Week in CAS: October 31, 2011. EPA grant explores mushrooms, selenium. (
- Chattanooga Times Free Press: February 13, 2005. Researchers ready for creek study. [full article]
- Environment News Service: January 8, 2003. Wetlands clean selenium from farm runoff. (
- The Reporter: January 6, 2003. Selenium study serves scientists big surprise.
- Wildlife News: January 4, 2003. Nature's filter: Wetlands clean selenium from agricultural runoff. (
- The Oakland Tribune: January 4, 2003. Marshes can clean pollutants from farm runoff: Study in Central Valley finds that plants, microbes send selenium harmlessly into the air. [full article]
- Breakthroughs: 2002, 8(1), 17-18. Exploring a world of opportunities - Turning students on with research. [full article]
- California WILD: 2001, Summer, 18-23. Plant Power: mean, green, toxin-cleaning machines. [full article]
- ESTUARY Newsletter: 2001, 10(4), 3. Science Spot - Selenium busters. (
- EPRI Journal: 1997, 22(4), 16-25. Constructed wetlands treat wastewater naturally. [full article]

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