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Science and Mathematics

biochemistry student in lab

Students interested in the sciences and mathematics will have every opportunity to thrive in our program. From math and physics to plant biology and zoology, students learn through hands-on experiences.

Below you can find the program you are interested in and the degrees, minors, and online options offered for that program. You will see some programs have specializations (for undergraduate programs)/ concentrations (for graduate programs) listed. These are focused areas of study.
Program Bachelor's Master's Doctoral Minor Online
Applied Physics      PhD    
Biological Sciences BS  MS  
  • Biological
Biology Education BS        
Biomedical Science BS        
Ecology BS        
MEDPREP   MS      
Biomedical Science MS    
Chemistry BA, BS MS PhD
  • Chemistry
Biochemistry  BS        
Business BA
Chemical Education BS        
Comprehensive Chemistry BS        
Environmental Chemistry BS        
Forensic Chemistry BS        
Fermentation Science BS        
Geography and Environmental Resources BS MS, Certificate  
  • Geography and Environmental Resources
  • Sustainability
  • GIS
Environmental Geography and Sustainability BS MS, Certificate      
GIS BS MS      
Geology BA, BS MA, MS, Certificate PhD
  • Geology
Environmental Geology BS MA, MS      
Geophysics BS        
Resource Geology BS      
Geospatial Analysis   MA, MS      
Earth Science   Certificate      
Mathematics BA, BS  MA, MS  PhD
  • Mathematics
Actuarial Mathematics BA        
Data Science BS
Microbiology BS    
  • Microbiology
Molecular Biology, Microbiology & Biochemistry    MS  PhD    
Molecular, Cellular & Systemic Physiology    MS  PhD    
Physics BS  MS  
  • Physics
Physiology BS    
  • Physiology
Plant Biology BA, BS  MS  PhD
  • Plant Biology
  • Plant Biodiversity
  • Plant Biotechnology
  • Plant Ecology
Conservation Biology Ecology BS        
Molecular & Biochemical Physiology BS        
Systematic & Biodiversity BS        
Ecology      PhD    
STEM Leadership minor      
  •  STEM Leadership
Zoology BA, BS MS, PSM PhD
  •  Zoology
Animal Biology BS        
Environmental Biology BS        
Fisheries Biology BS         
Pre-Veterinary Science BS         
Wildlife Biology BS         
Ecology     PhD    
Wildlife Administration & Management    PSM