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John Fraedrich

John Fraedrich, James N. Jannetides Professor of Business Ethics

John Fraedrich received his Bachelor’s Degree in Management from Brigham Young University and his Masters of Science and PhD in Marketing from Texas A&M University at College Station. His research began with one of the first empirically based business ethics dissertations and was the nexus for the book, “Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases” (13th edition) 2022.

He has presented, written, and/or published over fifty (50) pieces specifically related to the topic. From a global level Dr. Fraedrich has been on numerous panels concerning values, ethics, and business. Participants have included ambassadors, economic ministers, and Presidents of Fortune 100 firms. Politically he was invited by FEDERASUL, an elite business organization in Brazil, to discuss business ethics and values with one of Brazil’s Supreme Court Justices as well as a former Ambassador.

In 2006 Dr. Fraedrich was asked by the Bill Daniels Foundation to become their Bill Daniels Distinguished Professor of Business Ethics at the University of Wyoming, College of Business. There, he developed and implemented a state wide program of ethics integration into business and non-business educational programs. Part of the Bill Daniels $1.2 billion fund is used for ethics awareness within business.

John Fraedrich Office: Rehn Hall, 219A
Phone: 618-453-7786

Presently, Dr. Fraedrich is the Jannetides Professor of Business Ethics at Southern Illinois University. At the graduate level he teaches Accounting and Business Ethics, Marketing Management, and Marketing Theory as well as many undergraduate courses. He has also been active with USAID/DOD concerning economic development of lesser developed countries and applies his experiences in the many courses he teaches.

“In my undergraduate degree I became interested in why good people in business make unethical and illegal decisions. Being a Professor was the perfect venue to answer that question. Along the way I discovered I enjoyed teaching people how to make money as well. Marketing is really the only area that does just that. I’ve also enjoyed listening to former students who have created their own companies and how principles taught at SIU have helped them. It’s a delight when they tell me how business is both science and art.”

Professor Fraedrich said “I chose SIU because it is one of a handful of institutions that embrace students from around the world. This diversity and SIU’s mission of allowing all to gain an education is why I’m here. He noted. “I have taught students from over thirty countries at SIU and abroad and I know my students have a better chance at success than those without this global interaction.”

Recently Dr. Fraedrich was invited to teach for the Department of the Army at the General Officer level concerning “The Consequences of Power”. His class included Brigadier Generals as well as Commentator General Mark A. Milley, Commanding General of the U.S. Army and Chief of Staff, for the U.S. Armed Forces.

Recent Publications

Ferrell, O.C. and John Fraedrich, Business Ethics: Ethical Decision Making and Cases, 13th edition (2022) Cengage Publishing Company, Boston.

Althawadi, Othman; Fraedrich, John; Farha, Allam Abu (2019), "Understanding Consumerism within Western and Muslim Based Societies: Twitter Usage of Saudi and American Consumers”, Journal for Global Business Advancement.

Fraedrich, John; Althawadi, Othman; Bagherzadeh, Ramin (2018), “A Comparative Analysis of the UN Declaration, Global Business Compact, and Religious Morals in Determining Global Values for Islamic Marketing", Journal of Islamic Marketing, 9(4), pp. 913-934.  Awarded 2019 Emerald Literati Award.