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Brent Pease
Brent Pease, Assistant Professor
Dr. Brent Pease is an assistant professor of biodiversity conservation in the Forestry Program at Southern Illinois University. His research interests include ecology and conservation of wildlife, species distribution modeling, citizen science, applied spatial ecology, and landscape ecology.
Dr. Pease’s research addresses a diverse set of applied issues in wildlife conservation and management, ranging from understanding large-scale changes in wildlife distribution and abundance, to developing sampling protocols for species of conservation concern, and evaluating harvest regulations for game species. To address these issues, his research uses observational and experimental fieldwork combined with quantitative modeling and spatial analysis to inform state and regional management strategies. He also leads and contributes to a range of Citizen Science projects and works to incorporate these efforts into his research program. Dr. Pease teaches courses on wildlife monitoring, spatial ecology, data management and analysis, and more. Further information can be found at Dr. Pease’s website:

Research Interests
Ecology and conservation of wildlife; species distribution modeling; citizen science; applied spatial ecology; landscape ecology
Courses Taught
- FOR 305 – Wildlife Monitoring
- FOR 312 – Data Management and Analysis
- FOR 411 – Forest Resources Economics
- FOR 561 – Spatial Ecology
Descriptions are available for each of these classes in course listings for Forestry [FOR].
- Ph.D., North Carolina State University 2021
- M.Sc., Southern Illinois University 2017
- B.Sc., Colorado State University 2014
Recent Publications
Crandall, K., Pease, B.S., Simmons, A., Adamovicz, L.A., and Cove, M.V. Accepted. Raccoon roundworm remains undetected in endangered Key Largo woodrat endemic range. Journal of Wildlife Disease.
Kreh, C., B.S. Pease, and K. Pacifici. 2023. Efficacy of Autonomous Recording Units to Evaluate Wild Turkey Gobbling Chronology in North Carolina, USA. Wildlife Society Bulletin e1433
Pease, B.S., Pacifici, K., Kays, R. and Reich, B., 2022. What drives spatially varying ecological relationships in a wide‐ranging species?. Diversity and Distributions, 28(9), pp.1752-1768.
Pease, B.S., Pacifici, K. and Kays, R., 2022. Exploring spatial nonstationarity for four mammal species reveals regional variation in environmental relationships. Ecosphere, 13(8), p.e4166.
Casola, W.R., Peterson, M.N., Wu, Y., Sills, E.O., Pease, B.S. and Pacifici, K., 2022. Measuring the value of public hunting land using a hedonic approach. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 27(4), pp.343-359.
Kays, R.W., M. Lasky, B.S. Pease, A.W. Parsons, and K. Pacifici. 2021. Evaluation of the spatial biases and sample size of a statewide citizen science project. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice.
Cove, M.C. and B.S. Pease. 2021. Is it an omnivore's world? A comment on dietary traits in multispecies hierarchical models. Biological Conservation
Casola, W.R., M.N. Peterson, Y. Wu, E.O. Sills, B.S. Pease, and K. Pacifici. 2021. Measuring the value of public hunting land using a hedonic approach. Human Dimensions of Wildlife
Gilbert, N.A., B.S. Pease, C.M. Anhalt-Depies, J.D.J. Clare, J.L. Stenglein, P.A. Townsend, T.R. Van Deelen, and B.Zuckerberg. 2021. Integrating harvest and camera trap data in species distribution models. Biological Conservation
Pease, B.S., K. Pacifici, and J. Collazo. 2021. Survey design optimization for monitoring wildlife communities in areas managed for federally endangered species. Animal Conservation
Lasky, M., A.W., Parsons, S. Schuttler, A. Mash, L. Larson, B., Norton, B.S. Pease, H. Boone, L. Gatens, R.W. Kays. 2021. Studying Large-Scale Ecological Questions with Camera Traps and Citizen Scientists. Citizen Science: Theory and Practice, 6(1).
Kays, R.W., C. Beirne, H. Boone, M.Bowler, M.V. Cove, P. Ding, C. Hansen, P. Jansen, J. Millspaugh, W. McShea, K.Pacifici, A.W. Parsons, B.S. Pease, X. Si, S. Shuttler, and M. Snider. 2020. An empirical evaluation of camera trap study design: how many, how long, and which season? Methods in Ecology and Evolution
Pease, B.S., E.J. Holzmueller, and C.K. Nielsen. 2019. Influence of forest structure and composition on summer habitat use of wildlife in an upland hardwood forest. Diversity 11, no. 9: 160. DOI: 10.3390/d11090160