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Dustin Nadler

Dustin Nadler, Clinical Assistant Professor

Applied Psychology

Dr. Dustin Nadler Director of Applied Research Consultants (ARC) at Southern Illinois University Carbondale (SIUC). Originally from the St. Louis metropolitan area, he received his Ph.D. from the Applied Psychology program at SIUC. Since graduating, he has worked at several universities in the greater St. Louis area and as a research consultant, a role which he currently holds. 

Additionally, Dr. Nadler is an Associate Professor of Psychology and Fellow of the Center for Access and Achievement at Maryville University in St. Louis. In his role at the Center for Access and Achievement, he is heavily involved in grant and program evaluation work. His program evaluation and grant work focus on evaluating educational programming for K – 12 students in various settings and professional development training for teachers within the same arena.

Research Interests

Social Psychology: My main research interests consist of a social justice-oriented study of students and the influence of both internal and environmental factors on their academic outcomes. My research has focused on factors such as personality, self-efficacy, motivation, social and academic integration, absenteeism culture, gender, ethnicity, and social class in predicting students’ academic performance, university retention, and absenteeism. I derive my research from the foundations of social justice theory, stereotype threat theory, self-determination theory of motivation, theories of the self and self-construal, and theories of person-environment fit.

Industrial and Organizational Psychology: I study culture, diversity, and gender as it applies to leadership and crisis management. This research focuses on how stereotypes associated with individuals’ ethnic groups and gender influence individual and organizational decision processes regarding leadership. I am also interested in workplace motivation, leadership styles, employee satisfaction, the role of the workplace environment, and the interplay of these topics. Finally, I am also interested in perceptions of employees, potential employees, and bias in the selection process.

Representative Publications

  • see CV for full list

Middleton. C*. P. & Nadler, D. R. (2022). Online Versus Traditional Learning: Academic Performance and Learning Disabilities. Undergraduate Research, 2(2).

Conley, K. T*. & Nadler, D. R. (2022). Reducing Ableism and the Social Exclusion of People with Disabilities: Positive Impacts of Openness and Education. Psi Chi Journal of Psychological Research.

Bergstrom, B. D., Ashauer, S. A., & Nadler, D. R. (2021). Hearts and Minds: How Seeing Students as Whole Persons Can Improve Teaching. In L. Stein, N.J. Ciarocco, & J. E. Westfall (Eds.), Essays from E-xcellence in teaching: 2021 (Vol. 21, pp. 1-4). Society for the Teaching Psychology.

Reyes, D*. & Nadler, D. R. (2021). Gender Differences in Attitudes Toward Trauma Survivors. Undergraduate Journal of Psychology.

Schaeffer, R*. & Nadler, D. R. (2020). Perceptions of School Disciplinary Measures. Undergraduate Journal of Psychology, 31(1).