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Ryan Redner
Ryan Redner, Professor
Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Ryan Redner is a Professor and Program Director of the Behavior Analysis and Therapy program. Ryan received his Doctoral degree from Western Michigan University under Dr. Alan Poling and went on to complete a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Vermont in the area of Behavior and Health with Dr. Stephen T. Higgins. He studies the personal health choices that lead to premature death and exorbitant health care costs in the United States (cigarette smoking, sedentary lifestyle).
Current research interests include increasing physical activity among people with disabilities, behavioral economics and impulsive behaviors, behavioral pedagogy (e.g., cell phone policies in the college classroom), and resurgence. Current research includes the Step it UP! Game. The Step it UP! Game, a modified version of the Good Behavior Game (Barish et al., 1969), is an interdependent group contingency in which participants are placed into teams and compete to take the most steps. The winning team receives a prize. Seward and Redner (2023) evaluated the effectiveness of the Step it UP! Game among ten young adults with disabilities. All ten participants took more steps during the intervention condition demonstrating that the Step it UP! Game is effective among adults with disabilities. The Step it UP! Game is a promising intervention that has demonstrated effectiveness among a range of participants and settings.
Ryan has co-authored two book chapters and more than 50 peer-reviewed journal articles on a wide range of topics. Ryan is currently accepting doctoral students.
Recent Courses
BAT 535 Behavioral Observation and Assessment Methods
BAT 529 Radical Behaviorism
BAT 507 Behavioral Consultation and Management
BAT 503 Basic Behavior Analysis
Representative publications
Seward, R., & Redner, R. (2024). A replication of extended implementation and social interaction during the Step it UP! Game for adults with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 10.1002/jaba.1098.
Redner, R., Kestner, K. M., Lotfizadeh, A., & Poling, A. (2024). Punishment-induced resurgence. Behavioural Processes, 220, 105058.
Redner, R., Hurtado-Parrado, C., Cifuentes, J., Shawler, S. A., & Jacobs, E. A. (2024). Evaluating technology breaks on cell phone use in a college classroom. Frontiers in Education, XX(XX), XX-XX.
Redner, R., Boydston, P., Krilcich, R., McDaniel., J., Higgins, S. T. (2024) Validity and reliability of the cigarette purchase task when participant cigarette consumption is unconstrained. Experimental and Clinical Psychopharmacology, XX(XX), XX-XX.
McDaniel, J. T., Redner, R., Haun, J. N., McCowen, P., & Higgins, S. T. (2024). Moral injury among women military veterans and demand for cigarettes: A behavioral economic investigation using a hypothetical purchase task. Preventive Medicine, 108036.
Seward, R., & Redner, R. (2023). Step it UP! Game increases steps of adults with disabilities. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 56(1), 231–240.

Office: Rehn Hall, 335A
Phone: 618-453-8295
Educational History
Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Vermont
Ph.D., Western Michigan University
M.S., California State University, Stanislaus