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Eric Jacobs
Eric Jacobs, Associate Professor
Brain and Cognitive Sciences; Applied Psychology; Behavior Analysis and Therapy (On-campus)
Eric A. Jacobs (Ph.D, 1997, Experimental Psychology, University of Florida) completed a post-doctoral fellowship at the University of Vermont and is now an Associate professor in the Applied Psychology and Brain and Cognitive Sciences programs. His research interests include human operant behavior, quantitative analyses of choice and decision-making (e.g., delay discounting, "self-control", & "impulsivity"), applied behavior analysis, behavioral economics, behavioral ecology, and behavioral pharmacology.
PSYC 309: Psychology of Learning
PSYC 409: History & Systems Psychology
PSYC 411: Applied Learning
PSYC 489: Seminar - Special Topics (Foraging)
PSYC 509: History & Systems Psychology
PSYC 511: Human Learning and Memory
Representative Publications
Dixon , M.R., Jacobs, E.A., & Sanders, S. (2006). Contextual control of delay discounting in gamblers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 39, 413-422.
Marsch, L. A., Bickel, W. K., Badger, G. J., & Jacobs, E. A. (2005). Buprenorphine treatment for opioid dependence: The relative efficacy of daily, twice and thrice weekly dosing. Drug and Alcohol Dependence. 77, 195-205.
Dixon , M. R., Jacobs, E. A., Sanders, S., Guercio, J., Soldner, J., Parker-Singler, S., Robinson, A., Small, S. L., & Dillon, J. (2005). Impulsivity, self-control, and delay discounting in persons with acquired brain injury. Behavioral Interventions. 20, 101-120.
Dixon , M. R., Marley, J., & Jacobs, E. A. (2003). Delay discounting in pathological gamblers. Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, 36, 449-459.
Giordano, L.A. , Bickel, W. K., Loewenstein, G, Jacobs, E. A., & Marsch, L (2002). Mild opioid deprivation increases the degree that opioid-dependent outpatients discount delayed heroin and money. Psychopharmacology,163(2), 174 – 182.

Office: Life Science II, 275A
Phone: 618-453-3555
Curriculum Vitae
Operant Conditioning and Learning Lab