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Michael Hylin
Michael Hylin, Associate Professor and Program Director
Brain and Cognitive Sciences
Dr. Michael Hylin received his Ph.D. in Neuroscience and Behavior from Northern Illinois University in 2010. After which he was a postdoctoral fellow in the laboratory of Dr. Pramod Dash at the University of Texas Medical School in Houston. Dr. Hylin’s research focuses on the biochemical systems that underlie neurocognitive dysfunction following traumatic brain injury (specifically mild and repetitive injury). This includes pathways associated with the extracellular matrix, inflammation and axonal injury. The goal of his research is to determine how manipulation of dysfunctional pathways can lead to behavioral recovery. Part of this strategy involves researching the mechanisms involved in memory recall in order to develop novel strategies for neurocognitive rehabilitation following traumatic brain injury. Another strategy is combining environmental enrichment and cognitive rehabilitation with pharmacological treatments in order to induce functional recovery.
Recovery of function, traumatic brain injury, memory recall and retrieval, neuroinflammation, neural plasticity
PSYC 302: Introduction to Neuroscience
PSYC 415: Psychopharmacology & Behavior
PSYC 489: Neuropsychology of Learning and Memory
PSYC 518: Psychopharmacology & Behavior
Representative Publications
Jeter, CB, Hylin, MJ, Hergenroeder, GW, Hill, JL, Johnson DR, Barrera, JA, Sheilds, TC, Redell, JB, Zhao, J, Moore, AN, & Dash, (2014) Biomarkers of Organ Injury. Recent Patents on Biomarkers, 4, 1-12. doi: 10.2174/2210309004666140616232339
Zhao, Y, Hylin, MJ, Zhao, J, Moore, A, Menge, T, Xue, H, Cox, CS, Dash PK, & Pati, S (Submitted) Modulation of Hippocampal Neuronal Survival and Wnt3a by MSCs after TBI.
Gibb, SL, Zhao, Hylin, MJ, Y, Potter, D, Zhao, J, Xue, H, Baimukanova, G, Cox Jr, CS, Pramod, PK, & Pati, S (Under Review, Journal of Clinical Investigation) TIMP3 activates the Akt-mTOR pathway and attenuates neurocognitive dysfunction following Traumatic Brain Injury.
Hylin, MJ, Orsi, SA, Zhao, J, Bockhorst, K, Perez, A, Moore, AN, & Dash, PK (2013) Behavioral and histopathological alterations resulting from mild fluid percussion injury. Journal of Neurotrauma, 30(9), 702-715. doi: 10.1089/neu.2012.2630.
Hylin, MJ, Orsi, SA, Moore, AN & Dash, PK (2013) Disruption of the perineuronal net in the hippocampus or medial prefrontal cortex impairs trace fear conditioning Learning and Memory, 20(5), 267-273. doi: 10.1101/lm.030197.112.
Jeter, CB, Hergenroeder, GW, Hylin, MJ, Redell, JB, Moore, AN, & Dash, PK (2013) Biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of mild traumatic brain injury/concussion. Journal of Neurotrauma, 30(8), 657-670. doi: 10.1089/neu.2012.2439.
Jeter CB, Redell JB, Moore AN, Hergenroeder GW, Zhao J, Johnson DR, Hylin MJ, Dash PK. Biomarkers of traumatic injury. In: Li G, Baker SP (eds.) Injury Research: Theories, Methods, and Approaches. Springer. 2012.

Office: Life Science II, 77B
Phone: 618-453-3516
Curriculum Vitae
Neurotrauma and Rehabilitation Lab
Educational History
Ph.D., Northern Illinois University