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On-Campus Degree Path

The Master of Architecture degree at SIU is fully accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board as a first professional degree in architecture. It meets the education requirement to become a licensed architect in all U.S. states, territories, as well as the provinces of Canada.
This is a first professional degree intended for individuals who have completed a pre-professional undergraduate degree in architecture or architectural studies and requires a minimum of 42 credit hours that can be completed in as little as 15 months including a summer, fall, spring and summer semester sequence.
The core of the architecture program is the design studio. In our master's program, students are exposed to concentrations in community and regional design, technology, theory and building design. Advanced courses in research methods, programming and professional practice prepare our graduates for a variety of architectural intern positions.
Program Requirements
The SIUC School of Architecture Master's of Architecture program curriculum has been created to provide a superior architectural education and satisfy the Nation al Architectural Board (NAAB) “Student Performance Requirements”. The program offers multiple tracks toward degree completion, depending on entry qualifications.
Students, who have already earned a four-year pre-professional Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies degree, or its equivalent, may be able to complete the program in a little as 15 months of study. Students from other majors may be required to complete additional coursework (see the 27- and 39-month curriculum guides). Our Graduate Catalog degree requirements page can help you with more information on each track and on our architecture courses list you will find all of the architecture courses we have to offer.
View our Program Curriculum Guides (PDF):
- 15-Month Curriculum (for students with a 4-year pre-professional degree in architecture)
- 27-Month Curriculum (for students with a 4-year degree in interior design or an allied area of practice)
- 39-Month Curriculum (for students with any other four-year degree)
Program Format
The Master of Architecture program is fully accredited by the National Architectural Accrediting Board (NAAB) as a first professional degree in architecture. Students may complete the Master of Architecture degree in as little as 15 months.
The Master of Architecture program at Southern Illinois University is a combined undergraduate Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies and Graduate professional program leading to the accredited Master of Architecture degree. Master’s degree programs may consist of a pre-professional undergraduate degree and a professional graduate degree that, when earned sequentially, constitute an accredited professional education.
Students may complete the Master of Architecture degree in as little as 15 months of study! (Most master’s degree programs require 24 months.) The reduced timeframe can result in a savings of thousands of dollars in tuition, rent, and other living expenses while fully preparing the graduate for a professional career.
Students, who have already earned a four-year pre-professional Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies degree, or its equivalent, may be able to complete the program in a little as 15 months of study. Students from other majors may be required to complete additional coursework (see the 27- and 39-month curriculum guides).
Program Costs
View our tuition and fee structure through the Off-Campus Tuition and Fees Calculator for additional information. In addition to tuition/fees, other expenses are incurred, such as campus health insurance (opt-out by providing proof of health insurance coverage), books (approx. $340), laptop & specialized software (approx. $2,160), assorted materials (approx. $735), printing & 3D modeling (approx. $480), field trips (approx. $220). An option to stay in the dorms on the campus where classes meet is available to minimize the cost of accommodations. The closest major airport is St. Louis, MO (airport code: STL).
Financial aid and scholarships may be available. Please visit the SIU Financial Aid website for more information.
Contact Information
Rolando González-Torres, PhD
Associate Professor
311G Quigley Hall
Mailcode 4337
875 S. Normal Ave.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Ph: 618-453-1982
The SIU architecture graduate program invites students to unleash their potential and join in the exploration, development, and creation of architecture in the heartland of America. It is our vision to be an architectural program of excellence built upon the cultural and environmental heritage of the Southern Illinois region that provides a superior education and produces the highest quality architectural scholarship and research to serve our global communities.
Through our cultural heritage, environmental context and the tradition of integrating emerging technology and innovative practice, the mission of the architecture faculty and students is to explore, create, and develop architecture as a synthesis of design excellence, artistic expression, technology and community involvement.
- Graduates who are lifelong learners, leading citizens and professionals in communities throughout the world.
- Development of individual creativity through the expression of human, social and environmental values.
- Service to our communities through problem solving and creative efforts in the addressing of regional issues.
- Fulfillment of the vision expressed by Ernest Boyer and Lee Mitgang in Building Community through:
- Producing architecture that enhances the quality of life of our communities, serves the needs of clients, uplifts the human spirit, preserves the environment, provides social justice and expands aesthetic frontiers.
- Pursuing the scholarship of discovery, integration, application and teaching.
- Providing a curriculum that is liberal, flexible and integrated both within the discipline of architecture and in connections with other disciplines in the design-build process.