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IPAL Degree Path

The online Integrated Path to Architectural Licensure (IPAL) is designed for working architecture professionals seeking an accredited master's degree and licensure to qualify for National Council of Architectural Registration Boards (NCARB) certification. IPAL's unique flexibility allows you to:
- Broaden your comprehension of architecture.
- Strengthen your communication skills and develop new ones using technology.
- Apply critical thinking to in-depth analysis of architectural problems.
- Increase collaborative skills.
- Enhance your understanding of architecture-related areas through elective courses you select.
- Earn your Architectural License.
Admission Requirements
The online IPAL Master of Architecture program requires a Bachelor of Science in Architectural Studies or its equivalent. If your degree counted as a pre-professional degree in architecture, it is acceptable for application to this program. A minimum grade point average of 2.7 in the last 60 hours of undergraduate work is required.
View the Graduate Catalog for full degree requirements.
The Application Process
To apply for the online IPAL program, you will need to visit the Graduate Admissions website and apply to SIU. A PDF portfolio file, 2000 AXP hours and a statement of intent are required to be submitted to the School of Architecture.
Check out the program admission page for more detailed information on other requirements for this degree path.

Curriculum & Courses
The online IPAL Master of Architecture degree requires 43 graduate credit hours. Four studios at six credits each, five three-credit lecture/seminar courses, and four one-credit ARE training courses comprise the program.
Studios & Lecture Studies
The first studio concentrates on regional architecture. Since the online program attracts students from many places, this studio presents an excellent overview of regional architecture in the US. The second studio is comprehensive design. It is paired with one of the three-credit lecture courses to allow students to explore design solutions much more deeply. The final two are design thesis studios, in which students select the project and spend two semesters developing an architectural solution.
Complementary lecture courses cover such topics as global perspectives on architecture, research methods & programming, architectural systems & technology, and professional practice. Check out the program's curriculum (PDF) and graduate courses for an idea of what to expect.
IPAL offers enrollment in the fall semester. Part-time enrollment is available, though students are cautioned that course sequencing and prerequisites may mean a delay of a year while waiting for a course to be scheduled again.
Contact Information
Jenny Huang
IPAL Coordinator
406 Quigley Hall 130A
Mailcode 4337
875 S. Normal Ave.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Ph: 618-453-1254
Rolando González-Torres, PhD
Associate Professor
311G Quigley Hall
Mailcode 4337
875 S. Normal Ave.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Ph: 618-453-1982