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Graduate Scholarships
Architecture graduate students are eligible for a variety of scholarship* opportunities through the University, and the School of Architecture.
You may also apply for scholarships through the SIU Graduate School, which provides more information about Fellowships.
Additionally, students can seek financial aid resources through the SIU Financial Aid Office.
*Deadlines for many Fall–Spring scholarships are in February and March.

Trotter Graduate Scholarship in Architecture
A single award given to a student admitted to the SIU Master of Architecture program. Applicant must have a GPA of at least 3.25 and a superior portfolio as judged by faculty of the graduate program.
Recipient is chosen by scholarship committee.
Application Deadline: February 1
Amount: $600
Contact: Craig Anz, Interim Director, School of Architecture; 618-453-1114
John K. Dobbins Master of Architecture Scholarship
A single award given to a student admitted to the SIU Master of Architecture program. Applicant must show extraordinary promise for excellence in graduate study as determined by the graduate program.
Recipient is chosen by scholarship committee.
Application Deadline: February 1
Amount: $1000
Contact: Craig Anz, Interim Director, School of Architecture; 618-453-1114
University Scholarships
Students can search the SIU Scholarships website to find more scholarships available to all SIU students. Make sure to check out our two scholarship search engines. College and departmental scholarship opportunities are available on our General Scholarship Application and Database. For this database, you will be automatically considered based on your completed General Application.
(To access the General Application, please sign in first. Club, organization, outside funding and grants can also be found via the searchable database.)