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Hong Zhou

Hong Zhou, Associate Professor


Hong is interested in fictional narrative filmmaking. His recent work includes "Night Train", a story about two strangers' encounters in a subway, "She Wears Yellow", a study of fictional characters, and "Sarah and Liz", a story about two sisters' adventures into the wildness. Initially influenced by surrealist painting and early experimental films, Hong's work explores the conflict and interplay between conscious and subconscious as narrative force in storytelling. Having recently worked as cinematographer on a new HD feature film, Hong is excited about the new creative possibilities of HD as a compelling narrative medium, and is planning on shooting his next project using the latest digital cinema technology.

Hong Zhou

Office: COMM 1121H


  • CP496: Film Production III, a 16mm synchronous sound production course in narrative filmmaking
  • CP452: Screening Writing I, a study and practice of screenwriting for feature length, classically structured fictional films
  • CP470: HD Cinematography, an exploration of aesthetics and applications of HD technology in narrative filmmaking
  • MCMA552: Narrative Production: Theory and Practice, a comparative study and practice between traditional 16mm film and digital motion image technology.


M.F.A. at York University, Toronto Canada, 2000


Film and video production, cinematography, Chinese Cinema, Surrealist Cinema