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Raymond Wacker
Raymond Wacker, Associate Professor of Accountancy, Emeritus
Since he joined the College of Business at Southern Illinois University at Carbondale in 1989, Raymond Wacker has garnered praise and numerous accolades including the prestigious Outstanding Educator Award given by the Illinois CPA Society in 2007. Wacker received Southern Illinois University’s Excellence Through Commitment Award for superior teaching in 2006 and is the only four time winner of the College of Business Outstanding Graduate Teacher of the Year Award.
While his primary focus is income taxation, Wacker has also taught international business policy, business ethics, managerial and financial accounting. His graduate seminar in business ethics ranks as one of the most popular graduate course within the College of Business. His research focuses on international taxation. He is the author of 40 articles that appeared in academic and practitioner journals. Wacker said that he chose to pursue a career in higher education because it is the perfect environment for an eccentric like himself.
Prior to joining the SIU College of Business, Wacker worked in various roles, including vice-president for finance at Norsco Services Inc., independent CPA, and teaching fellow in the Department of Accountancy and Taxation at the University of Houston.
A native of Omaha, Nebraska, Wacker earned a bachelor's degree in history summa cum laude from St. Louis University in 1973, a Master of Arts degree in medieval Irish history from the University of Toronto in 1974 and a doctoral degree in tax accountancy from the University of Houston in 1989. He is a member of Phi Beta Kappa.
An eccentric soul, he reads extensively, plays the harp, brews his own beer, loves to travel, gardens and has a lifelong-passion for baseball, railroads and Latin literature.

Rehn Hall, 222A
Research Interests
- International taxation
“Forensic Examination Cognizance: An Empirical Study.” Advances in Management, March, 2013, pp. 43-54. With Jaysinha Shinde and Udaysinha Shinde.
“Superfluidity and Murkiness in the Understanding of Social Responsibility: A Conflict Analysis.” Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics, Volume 8(3), 2011, pp. 30-43. With Jaysinha Shinde.
“The CPA Finally Meets St. Augustine. Effects of Philosophy on Pedagogy of American Graduate Business Studies in Ethics – Gaudeamusne aut Oremus pro Agnis?, Scriptores Augustiani, Tomus LXI, Advenio, 2006, pp. 121-152.
“The New FTC Brackets – Life Gets Simpler…Well, Sort of," International Tax, December, 2004, pp. 46-58.
“Good-bye Extraterritorial Income Exclusion…Hello Domestic Manufacturing Deduction," International Tax, December, 2004, pp. 16-31.
"Tax Effects of Lower Capital Gain Rates on Foreign Tax Credit Shelters," Journal of International Economics and Business, Fall, 2004, pp. 45-51.
"US Taxation of International Dividends under JGTRRA," International Tax Journal, Winter, 2003, pp. 19-34.
"Last Call on Closing Out Foreign Sales Corporations (FSCs)," International Tax, December, 2002, pp. 36-40.
"2002 Tax Act Alters Subpart F Determination," International Tax, September, 2002, pp. 87-92.
"Summary of the Job Creation and Worker Assistance Act of 2002," West Federal Taxation, April, 2002.
"Planning in the Twilight of the Section 936 Credit," U.S. Taxation of International Operations, June, 2001, 8036.
"Partnership Distributions to Controlled Foreign Corporations," U.S. Taxation of International Operations, September, 2001, 7704.
"Summary of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001," West Federal Taxation, August, 2001.
- Charles W. Groennert/Emerson Electric Teaching Excellence Professorship, School of Accountancy, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2005–Present.
- Outstanding Educator, Illinois CPA Society, 2007
- Excellence through Commitment Outstanding College Teacher, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2006.
- Undergraduate Teacher of the Year, College of Business, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2005.
- Graduate Teacher of the Year, College of Business, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale, 2004.
- KPMG Outstanding Professor in Accounting Award, 2002-2003 academic year.
- KPMG Outstanding Contribution to School of Accountancy Award, 2002-2003 academic year.
- KPMG Outstanding Contribution to School of Accountancy Award, 2001-2002 academic year.
- Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship, Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Grant awarded for the Summer of 2001.
- Selected as Deloitte & Touche Faculty Fellow, 2001.
- Selected by Deloitte & Touche and AAA to serve on planning committee for “2001 Trueblood Seminars for Professors" in Scottsdale, AZ.
- Selected as Representative to attend "Trueblood Seminars for Professors" in Scottsdale, AZ, by Deloitte & Touche and the American Accounting Association, 2000.
- KPMG Outstanding Professor in Accounting Award, 2000-2001 academic year.
- KPMG Outstanding Professor in Accounting Award, 1999-2000 academic year.
- KPMG Outstanding Professor in Accounting Award, 1998-1999 academic year.