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Bruce A. Eichhorst

Bruce Eichhorst, Assistant Professor of Practice


Although I am a broadly trained and practiced biologist, my interests fall mainly within the areas of vertebrate ecology and wildlife biology.

I have a passion for teaching, advising, and mentoring undergraduate students, and have previously taught at four state universities and one private college. Working with undergrads on their research is one of the things I enjoy most as an educator. Since I’m mainly a field-oriented biologist, I especially like getting out into the field with them and making it the classroom. The main theme in my research with students has been the integration of ecological science and concepts with their application to conservation and environmental problem solving, policy, and natural resource management.

SIU Bruce A. Eichhorst 326 Life Science II


B.S. (Botany and Ecology) and M.S. (Zoology) degrees in Biology, University of Wisconsin-Oshkosh

Ph. D. (Population genetics and Wildlife biology) in Biology, University of North Dakota

Courses Taught

Conservation Biology (ZOOL 410) and Wildlife Biology Principles (ZOOL 468), Fall 2018;
Conservation of Natural Resources (ZOOL 312), Wildlife Administration and Policy (ZOOL 464), and possibly Conservation and Management of Endangered/Nongame Wildlife (ZOOL 485), Spring 2019

Areas of Interest

Vertebrate ecology, conservation/wildlife biology, ornithology, herpetology, wetland ecology, field biology and natural history study, wildlife ecotoxicology, environmental science

Selected Recent Publications

Eichhorst, B. 2018. Internet webcams provide opportunities for college student research on animal behavior and ecology: an example with birds. The American Biology Teacher 80(9):680-685.

Burger, J. and Eichhorst, B. 2007. Heavy metals and selenium in grebe feathers from Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge in Northern Minnesota. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 53(3):442-449.

Custer, T.W., Custer, C.M, Eichhorst, B.A. and D. Warburton. 2007. Trace element concentrations in waterbird eggs and chicks at Agassiz National Wildlife Refuge, Minnesota. Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 53(1):103-109.

Burger, J. and Eichhorst, B. 2005. Heavy metals and selenium in grebe eggs from Agassiz national wildlife refuge in Northern Minnesota. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 107:285-295.

Eichhorst, B.A. 1992. An analysis of Western Grebe banding and recovery data. North American Bird Bander 17:108-115.

Eichhorst, B.A. and Parkin, B.D. 1991. Clark’s Grebes and suspected Western X Clark’s Grebe hybrids in Manitoba. Blue Jay 49:196-200.

Eichhorst, B.A. 1989. Food habits of juvenile American Coots on Rush Lake, Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Passenger Pigeon 51:163-170.

Eichhorst, B.A. 1985. Status of the Red-necked Grebe on Rush Lake, Winnebago County, Wisconsin. Passenger Pigeon 47:60-62.

Eichhorst, B.A. and Reed, J.R. 1985. Renesting of a Black Tern. North American Bird Bander 10:8.