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Kamal M. Ibrahim

Kamal Ibrahim, Associate Professor


I am interested in the spatial and temporal dynamics of genes in natural populations.

My current research focuses on the conservation genetics and molecular systematics of the fauna of the Horn of Africa with emphasis on ungulates (along the Red Sea coast), mosquitoes (northern Sudan), and termites (in central and southern Ethiopia). I also study the population dynamics and genetics of the African armyworm, the desert locust and the Southern Pine Beetle.

I have collaborated as a population geneticist in numerous other studies including: the phylogeography and post-glacial colonization history of insect species in mainland Europe and the Canary Islands, the genetics of phylopatry in the European wild rabbit, speciation in the cichlids of lake Malawi, stock discrimination in Northern Atlantic fisheries, and, assessment of genetic diversity in European domestic ungulates.

SIU Kamal M. Ibrahim 1014 Life Science III
618-453-4132 / 618-453-4120


Ph.D., University of Cambridge, England

Courses Taught

Zool 585Z (Molecular Ecology), Biol 305 (Genetics), Zool 304 (Evolution), Zool 578 (Population Genetics), Zool 305 (Genetics Laboratory), UHON 351 (Evolutionary Biology and Religion), Zool 482 (Senior Seminar), Biol 202 (Human Genetics and Health).

Areas of Interest

Conservation Genetics, Population Genetics, Fish Molecular Ecology, Marine Biology

Selected Recent Publications

Ibrahim, K.M., Williams, P.C., Olson, A., Torounsky, R., Naser, E., Ghebremariam, F. H., Masri, M. A. (2020). Genetic variation in morphologically divergent mainland and island populations of Soemmerring’s gazelles (Nanger soemmerringii). Mammal Research X:XX.

HASSAN A, MAHMOUD A, HARBACH R, REEVES G, IBRAHIM KM, ALKAREEM M, AZRAG R (2017). Aedes mosquitoes in the Republic of the Sudan, with dichotomous keys for the adult and larval stages. Journal of Natural History 51: 513–529.

AZRAG RS, IBRAHIM KM, MALCOLM C, RAYAH EE, EL-SAYED B (2016). Laboratory rearing of Anopheles arabiensis: impact on genetic variability and implications for Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) based mosquito control in northern Sudan. Malaria Journal 15:432.

IBRAHIM KM, TOROUNSKY R (2011). Evolutionary perspectives in conservation genetics. In Pragmatic Evolution, Aldo Poiani (Ed.). Oxford University

GOODACRE SARA L; MARTIN OLIVER Y; BONTE DRIES; HUTCHINGS LINDA; WOOLLEY CHRIS; IBRAHIM KAMAL; GEORGE THOMAS CF; HEWITT GODFREY M (2009) Microbial modification of host long-distance dispersal capacity. BMC biology 7():32.

SANTUCCI K, IBRAHIM KM, BRUZZONE A, HEWIT GM (2007). Selection on MHC linked microsatellite loci in sheep populations. Heredity 99: 340-348

YASSIN Y, IBRAHIM KM (2006). PCR primers for polymorphic microsatellite loci in the desert locust Schistocerca gregaria (Orthoptera: Acrididae). Molecular Ecology Notes 6: 784-786.

IBRAHIM KM (2004). Human Population Genetics: Simulations of human colonization history. Heredity 93: 124-125

IBRAHIM KM (2001). Plague dynamics and population genetics of the desert locust: Can turnover during recession maintain population genetic structure? Molecular Ecology 10: 581-592.

IBRAHIM KM, BARRETT JA (2001) Evolutionary changes in Cambridge Composite Cross Five of barley. In Broadening the Genetic Bases of Crop Production, Hidgkin T, Cooper D, Spillane C (eds), pp 271-282. CABI/FAO/IPGRI, Rome.

IBRAHIM KM, SOURIELLE P, HEWITT GM (2000). Are recession populations of the desert locust (Schistocerca gregaria) remnants of past swarms? Molecular Ecology 9: 783-791.

IBRAHIM KM, YASSIN Y, Elguzouli A (2004). PCR primers for polymorphic microsatellite loci in the African armyworm, Spodoptera exempta (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Molecular Ecology Notes 4:653-655.

IBRAHIM KM, NICHOLS RA, HEWITT GM (1996) Spatial patterns of genetic variation generated by different forms of dispersal during range expansion. Heredity 77: 282-291

For more information on my research program, please see my lab webpage.