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Exercise Science Faculty
Our dedicated faculty have been preparing students for professional careers for decades. We believe that every individual has the potential for greatness, and we are here to help each student achieve that potential.
Philip Anton, Associate Professor and Program Director for Exercise Science
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Dr. Anton is an Associate Professor of Exercise Science and is Undergraduate Exercise Science Program Director. His primary focus of training and study is in the sub disciplinary area of exercise physiology and he serves as the Director of the SIUC Cancer Rehabilitation Laboratory and the Exercise Program Director for the
Strong Survivors Exercise and Nutrition Program for Cancer Survivors and Caregivers
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Office: Davies Hall, 109
Phone: 618-453-3116
Daniel Becque, Associate Professor
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Dr. Becque is an Associate Professor in the Department of Kinesiology specializing in exercise physiology and human biology. Dr. Becque is also the faculty advisor for the Fitness Club, a registered student organization and sport club promoting fitness and exercise.
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Office: Davies Hall, 117
Phone: 618-453-3117
Kim Gray, Instructor
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Kim is an Instructor for the department. Her teaching duties at the undergraduate level include coursework required for exercise science, sport administration, and physical education teacher education undergraduate majors and include Essentials of Athletic Injury Management (KIN 324), Musculoskeletal Anatomy (KIN 300), and Exercise and Nutrition (KIN 381).
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Office: Davies Hall, 122
Phone: 618-453-3159
Patrick McCowen, Assistant Lecturer
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Patrick is an Assistant Lecturer and Kinesiology TA coordinator in the School of Human Sciences. He teaches various courses in the school which often includes some combination of Movement Science (KIN 201), Motor Behavior (KIN 313), Behavior Aspects of Exercise (KIN 318), and Practicum in Coaching (KIN 355C). In addition to his roles at the university, Patrick also works as a varsity football coach at a local high school.
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Office: Davies Hall, 157
Phone: 618-536-2431
Julie Partridge, Professor and Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR)
Exercise Science, Sport Administration, Human Sciences
Dr. Partridge is an Professor of Human Sciences and Faculty Athletics Representative (FAR) for the university. Her primary focus of training and study is in the sub disciplinary area of sport and exercise psychology. She also serves as Director of the Social Psychology of Sport Laboratory.
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Office: Davies Hall, 160A
Phone: 618-453-3119
Sean Quisenberry, Assistant Professor
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Dr. Quisenberry is an Assistant Professor of Biomechanics in the School of Human Sciences. His primary focus of training is in the area of human movement and biomechanics. He is serving as the Director of the Athletic Movement and Biomechanics Laboratory.
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Office: Davies Hall, 121
Caleb Snyder, Assistant Lecturer
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Caleb Snyder earned his SIUC Master's degree in 2016 in a dual program with Kinesiology and Food and Nutrition. During his studies, he was a TA for the Kinesiology department, teaching Weight Control, Walking and Jogging, Strength Training, and KIN 355f. During this time, he competed in natural bodybuilding shows around the midwest as well as the Mr. SIU competition, which he won in 2015. After graduating, he entered the job market as Head Trainer of Gold's Gym of Southern Illinois, where he managed a team of over a dozen personal trainers in two locations, and coached hundreds of people into healthier lifestyles.
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Office: Davies Hall, 115
Phone: 618-536-2431
Juliane Wallace, Associate Professor and Director
Exercise Science, Human Sciences
Dr. Wallace is an Associate Professor of Exercise Science and the Chair of the Department of Kinesiology. Her primary focus of training and study is in the area of cardiovascular exercise physiology. She serves as Director of the Cardiovascular Exercise Physiology Laboratory, and the Coordinator for the Graduate Certificate in Gerontology.
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Office: Davies Hall, 107
Phone: 618-536-2431