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Degree Requirements
Our four-year, 120 credit hour, Bachelor of Science degree in Interior Design is a CIDA Accredited Professional Level Program. This program provides a comprehensive technical emphasis as the basis for problem-solving. The classes and studios teach students about design and the design process including programming, schematic design, design development, and construction documents. Other courses to enhance the core consist of drawing, presentation, furniture, materials, history, lighting, acoustics, mechanical systems, professional practice and topics current to the profession.
Check out the Curricular Guides, which can help you outline what courses you would want to take each semester for this four-year degree or for a three-year degree. View all related undergraduate courses.

While not required for graduations, we encourage students to pursue internships. The program director and faculty work with motivated students to arrange individual occupational matches.
Students typically hold internships during the summer between the third and fourth years of the program.
Job Shadowing
Students can take part in our established job shadowing extern program. In cooperation with the SIU Alumni Association, students work with Saluki alumni in their fields for a week during spring break.
We have active alumni extern hosts in St. Louis and Chicago. Students have also held externships or internships in Kansas City, Denver, and New York City.
Resource & Computer Requirements
Students must have a laptop that meets program specifications before starting 200-level courses. We recommend buying the specified laptop after you have completed your 100-level courses. SIU currently has an agreement with Dell computers for educational discounts.
Budgeting for an Interior Design Education
Added expenses include books, expendable supplies, and individual equipment. Some of the studio classes include required field trips. Other optional field trip destinations include design firms, furniture corporations, and historic landmarks. Recently, students have gone on trips to St. Louis, Chicago, and Grand Rapids, Michigan.
A reasonable estimate of added expenses is $1,000-$2,000 per academic year.
Degree Requirements
The four-year curriculum for incoming freshman provides 15 credit hours of electives for course exporation and/or obtaining a minor.
Transfer students typically have a three-year or two-year track toward B.S. degree in Interior Design depending upon prior educational experience. Connect directly with academic advisor to learn more.
Career Opportunities
We are a commercial design-focused program. Our program prepares graduate for entry-level positions in architectural and interior design firms. Other related professional avenues include furniture manufacturers/dealerships, facitilities management, and design sales.
Some career avenues include:
- Major coprorations with a specific focus, such as hospitality or retail
- Furniture dealerships
- Manufacturer showroom director or facilities manager
- Corporate sales
- Design firms
Complementary Fields
Some Interior Design students go on to earn a master's degree in architecture after completing their bachelor's degree in interior design.
Common minors for our students include associated fields such as history, museum studies, business, and art.