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Foundry Complex
Foundry Complex
1560 W. Pleasant Hill Road, Carbondale, IL 62901
The Art Foundry Complex is located approximately half of a mile from campus. The buildings provide 7000 square feet of workshops, studio spaces, storage and classrooms for academic programming in Sculpture. The buildings sit on approximately two acres of lawn and wooded areas, including a quarter acre sculpture yard which provides ample space for the display of outdoor sculptures and temporary site pieces.
The west building contains a furnace room with three in-ground crucible furnaces providing a total bronze pouring capacity in excess of 500 pounds. This is the largest academic pouring capacity in the region. A one-ton bridge crane is used for pouring metal and the production of large sand molds. A 400-pound capacity sand muller allows for easy production of sand molds. A drop bottom kiln and updraft kiln are used for lost wax processes. Two sandblasters are supported by a large compressor, which also provides compressed air to both buildings. The ceramic shell room is equipped with a 24-inch diameter shell tank, large stucco beds and a powerful air scrubbing system. The woodshop contains a 14-inch table saw, two band saws, chop saw, combination sander, dust collectors and numerous hand tools. A spacious wax working room is equipped with melting pots, wax working tools, a mold oven and lots of counter space.
The east building houses a metal fabrication shop that is equipped with two MIG welders, two stick welders, a TIG welder, a plasma cutter, oxy-acetylene equipment, a bench grinder, two shears, metal cutting band saw, heavy-duty cut off saw and a POS exhaust system. An exhausted spraying space, metal drilling station and second sand muller share space with large studio spaces for students and a faculty member.
A large lot between the buildings provides ample space for students to work outside and facilitates the Sculpture Department's annual iron pours.
Art Foundry Supervisor: Carey Netherton,