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Management is the art of decision-making, supervision, and strategic planning to make the most of resources. A successful business manager is an organized and competent leader, a good communicator, and a creative problem solver.
The personalized attention we give each student is what sets our program apart. The College of Business and Analytics has its own, business-student-only advising staff, and maintains business-student-focused offices for diversity and inclusion, academic success, and a mentor program.
Bachelor's Program
Students enroll in our management program because they want to develop skills necessary for careers in business leadership. We graduate professionals who are organized and competent leaders with solid communication skills and are creative problem solvers.
Our program has five areas of study. You’ll be able to target a specific career track or take our general management option for maximum flexibility. At the same time, our emphasis on data analysis means you’ll be out in front of the biggest trends in business management.
Ph.D. in Business Administration
SIU’s Doctorate in Business Administration program, teaches valuable business management, leadership, and organizational effectiveness, empowering graduates to put their skills to good use.
Graduates devote a minimum of three years to full-time study that includes coursework and developing a dissertation that makes an original contribution to knowledge in the graduate’s chosen field.
Our Business Administration program is fully accredited by AACSB International and offers a concentration in accounting, finance, management, or marketing.