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Jianhong Xu

Jianhong Xu, Professor

Professor; Ph.D., University of Connecticut, 2003. Numerical analysis, matrix computations, matrix theory and applications.


Research Interests

Numerical analysis, matrix computations, parallel algorithms, matrix theory and applications.

SIU Jianhong Xu

Neckers 387
Personal Website

Selected Publications

  1. Generalized $\lambda$-Newton inequalities revisited, Journal of Inequalities in Pure and Applied Mathematics, 10 (2009), Art. 19.
  2. Markov chain small-world model with asymmetric transition probabilities, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 17 (2008), 616-636.
  3. Transition matrices for well-conditioned Markov chains, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 424 (2007), 118-131 (with S. Kirkland and M. Neumann).
  4. A note on Newton and Newton-like inequalities for M-matrices and for Drazin inverses of M-Matrices, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra, 15 (2006), 314-328 (with M. Neumann).
  5. Matrix analysis of a Markov chain small-world model, Linear Algebra and Its Applications, 409 (2005), 126-146 (with M. Catral and M. Neumann).
  6. Convexity and elasticity of the growth rate in size-classified population models, SIAM Journal on Matrix Analysis and Applications, 26 (2004), 170-185 (with S. Kirkland and M. Neumann).