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Our faculty hold degrees from the leading centers of graduate education in the United States, and give the Department the ability to teach courses and supervise graduate research in political behavior, public opinion, racial, ethnic and gender politics, modern political theory, international conflict and war, political development, democratization, public policy, judicial behavior, and more.

Stephen Bloom, Associate Professor, Director of Graduate Studies

Political Science

Professor Bloom (Ph.D., UCLA, 2004) joined the SIU faculty in Fall 2006.

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Stephen Bloom

Office: Faner 3164
Phone: (618) 453-3183

Benjamin Bricker, Associate Professor, Associate Dean of Student and Curricular Affairs

Political Science

Benjamin Bricker (Ph.D., Washington University in St. Louis, 2013; J.D., University of Illinois, 2008) is Associate Professor of Political Science and Interim Associate Dean in the College of Liberal Arts at Southern Illinois University. He holds a cross appointment in the SIU School of Law.

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Benjamin Bricker

Office: Faner 3430
Phone: (618) 453-3169

Scott Comparato, Associate Professor

Political Science

Professor Comparato (Ph.D., Washington University, 2000) joined the SIU faculty in fall 2000.

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Scott Comparato

Office: Faner 3142
Phone: (618) 453-1154

Valery Dzutsati, Assitant Professor of Practice

Political Science

Valery Dzutsati holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from Arizona State University, a Master’s in Public Policy from the University of Maryland, College Park, and a BA in History from North Ossetian State University, Vladikavkaz, Russia. His research interests include interstate and civil conflict, democratization, politics and religion, state-making processes, and collective action with an empirical focus on post-Soviet countries. At SIU, Valery teaches undergraduate and graduate-level International Relations and International Law courses.

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Valery Dzutsati

Office: Faner 3424
Phone: (618) 453-7627

J. Tobin Grant, Professor, School Director of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology

Political Science

Professor Grant (Ph.D., The Ohio State University, 2001) joined the department in fall 2001.

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J. Tobin Grant

Office: Faner 3124
Phone: (618) 453-3167

Brittany Leach, Assistant Professor, Interdisciplinary (Political Science and Sociology)

Political Science and Women, Gender and Sexuality Studies

Brittany R. Leach is an Assistant Professor in the School of Anthropology, Political Science, and Sociology. She received a PhD in Political Theory with a secondary concentration in Comparative Politics from the University of Virginia (UVA) and an MA in Political Science & International Affairs from the University of Georgia. Previously, she was a Charlotte Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship at the Citizens & Scholars Foundation and served a two-year term as an Assistant Editor at the journal Political Theory. She has published articles on abortion politics in the American Political Science Review, Contemporary Political Theory, and Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society. Additionally, she is active in public scholarship and community engagement.

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Brittany Leach

Office: Faner 3436
Phone: (618) 453-7633

Kenneth Mulligan, Associate Professor

Political Science

Professor Mulligan (Ph.D. Ohio State University, 2004) joined the SIU faculty in Fall 2006.

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Kenneth Mulligan

Office: Faner 3541
Phone: (618) 453-3182

Stephen Shulman, Associate Professor

Political Science

Professor Shulman (Ph.D., University of Michigan, 1996) teaches courses in international relations, international security, international political economy, American foreign policy, and ethnic politics.

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Stephen Shulman

Office: Faner 3163
Phone: (618) 453-3194