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David Sutton
David Sutton, Professor
Recent publications include a consideration of cooking and anthropological theories of continuity and change entitled Bigger Fish to Fry: A Theory of Cooking as Risk, with Greek Examples (Berghahn Press, 2022). For a preview, see:
I also co-edited a collection titled Changing Continuities and the Scholar-Activist Anthropology of Constance R. Sutton (Ian Randle, 2023). See:
Other recent work includes a consideration of neoliberal tropes: "Tacit and Embedded as Forms: A Tropological Approach to Neoliberalism." Anthropological Theory, Online First: and an anthropological analysis of the movie "Midsommar": “The Horror/Beauty of the Harga: Midsommar as Western Imaginary of a Screen-Free Life.” Visual Anthropology 35(4-5): 448-468.
For the past several years I have been recording video interviews with some of the founders and current practitioners of Food Anthropology. These interviews can be found at:
Here is a link to my favorite recent scholarly books on cooking:
Anthropology Through Science Fiction
Food, Symbol and Society
Anthropology of Popular and Material Culture
Transcending Gender
Greece: Islands of Imagination
Anarchist Anthropology
Anthropology of the Senses and Material Culture