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Internships provide practical, hands-on work experience.
Students begin by meeting with Dr. Duram to get matched with an internship site. Students are then responsible for setting up a meeting with Site Supervisor. At this meeting, the student and Supervisor will determine the tasks to be accomplished during the internship and the work schedule. Students are expected to behave professionally during the internship, and this includes:
- Arriving at internship site on time each work day
- Keeping scheduled work times
- Calling the Supervisor, if an emergency prohibits students from arriving at Site on time
- Accomplishing planned tasks
- Asking questions, if clarification is needed
- Being reliable
- Behaving in a professional manner of dress, communication, and responsibility
- Working at least the minimum number of hours for the course credit assigned
Faculty Contact
Leslie Duram
Office: 4537 Faner Hall
Phone: 618-536-3375
"The Geography Department at SIU helped me to land an internship in my field which launched my career as a GIS professional." --Phil Graff, Intern
- Geography major or Environmental Studies Minor
- minimum of 2.7 GPA
- Non-paid
- Earn course credit
- Work varies by site and semester
- Supervisors determine appropriate tasks for intern
Previous Internship Sites Include:
- Environmental Education: SIU Sustainability Office, Jackson County Health Department, SIU Touch of Nature Environmental Center, Little River Research & Design
- Parks and Preserves: Giant City State Park (IDNR), Green Earth Inc., US Fish and Wildlife Service: Cypress Creek Refuge or Crab Orchard Refuge
- Agencies: City of Carbondale Building and Neighborhood Services, Williamson County 911
- Sustainable Living: All Seasons Organic Farm, Countrysprout Organics, Food Works, Neighborhood Coop, AES Solar.
Internship Hours
- 3 credit hours = 100 hours work
- Follows semester schedule
- Specific work schedules set by site supervisor
- Counts toward degree like any 400-level course
Assignments: Upload to D2L Folders
- At least one picture of you working on-site
- name the file with your first name, last name and internship site,
- for example: "Sam Smith Giant City paper" or "Suzy Smith KCB poster"
- Professional poster or 5 page final report is due by the first day of Finals. Turn in to the Faculty Adviser and Site Supervisor. Must include:
- description of tasks/activities/projects accomplished, and
- statement of what student learned from the internship work
- see poster template on D2L
- Name the file
- with your first name, last name and internship site,
- for example: "Sam Smith Giant City paper" or "Suzy Smith KCB poster"
Grades are based on:
- attending and working appropriate scheduled hours;
- completion of assigned tasks;
- assessment by supervisor;
- completion of internship poster/report; and
- assessment by faculty advisor.