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Bachelor of Science in Geography and Environmental Resources
Observe. Analyze. Problem-solve.
Students in Geography and Environmental Resources learn about the Earth’s environment with a focus on the dynamic relationships between nature and society. Our broadly trained faculty emphasize the principles of physical and social science, in the context of environmental problem solving.
The problems that geographers work on are among the greatest challenges facing humanity. Our research encompasses a range of environmental systems, from local food systems to regional river systems to the global climate system. We are making meaningful contributions to interdisciplinary environmental issues and our faculty are eager to include students, even freshmen, in grant-funded, problem-solving research.
The Geography and Environmental Resources major at SIU is an opportunity to receive hands-on training, work with state-of-the-art equipment, and participate in research alongside faculty at the top of their respective geographic sub-fields. The education and practical experience that employers are seeking can be found right here at SIU.

Bachelor of Science
The undergraduate major can be accomplished by fulfilling the requirements for the Bachelor of Science degree.
- Total degree requirements: 120 credit hours
- University core curriculum: 39 credit hours
- Geography and Environmental Resources Major Requirements: 42 credit hours
- Specialization: 21 credit hours
- Free Electives: 39 credit hours
Check out our Curricular Guide for Environmental Geography and Sustainability, and Geographic Information Science (GIS), which helps you outline what courses you would want to take each semester for all four years. View all related undergraduate courses.
Advisement and Mentoring
Advising on courses and career options is accomplished collectively through the individual student, the Geography and Environmental Resources faculty, and the College of Agricultural, Life, and Physical Sciences (CALPS) Advisement Office. Our CALPS advisor is Ms. Kaitlyn Kern (, Agriculture Building, Room 217A).
If you are interested in becoming a Geography and Environmental Resources major, please visit us on the 4th floor of Faner Hall (Room 4520) or send us an e-mail at Each student in our program is assigned a faculty mentor, depending on specialization. To arrange a meeting with a faculty mentor, please contact the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Leslie Duram.
Students in the Geography and Environmental Resources choose from one of two specializations: Geographic Information Science (GIS) or Environmental Geography and Sustainability. Geographic Information Science focuses on use of geospatial data and methods for environmental monitoring, analysis, and problem solving. Environmental Geography and Sustainability focuses on understanding environmental variability and change, often through a lens of human-environment interaction.
Undergraduate Research
Research is the hands-on process of discovering new knowledge and creating new interpretations of the world around us. For undergraduates at SIU Carbondale, it means working one-on-one with faculty and graduate students in laboratories, studios, and libraries, on campus and in the field. The School of Earth Systems and Sustainability and the Geography and Environmental Resources Program are proud to support undergraduates in research. A listing of the various undergraduate research programs can be found through the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration (OSPA) Undergraduate Research Page.
Awards for Undergraduates
Through the generosity of alumni and friends, we are able to offer numerous awards and scholarships to outstanding students in Geography and Environmental Resources. The SIU Foundation manages these important donations on behalf of our program. Each Spring, we recognize outstanding undergraduate majors that meet the criteria for these awards, scholarships, and honors.

Contact Information
Leslie Duram,
Director of Undergraduate Studies
Faner Hall 4537
1000 Faner Dr.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Kaitlyn Kern,
Academic Advisor
Agriculture 217 A
1205 Lincoln Dr.
Carbondale, IL 62901
Ph: 618-453-3080