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LaShonda Stewart
LaShonda Stewart, Professor
Professor LaShonda M. Stewart received her Ph.D. from Mississippi State University in May 2008. Her general research area focuses on local governments’ financial management practices, state’s rainy-day funds, global budgeting, participatory budgeting, and health information technology. She is, however, most recognized for her research on local governments’ unreserved fund balances with research appearing in Public Budgeting and Finance, Public Finance and Management, Journal of Public Budgeting, Accounting & Financial Management, and Administration & Society. In her current research, she seeks to develop a model to explain how local governments accumulate savings. She teaches courses in public administration which includes public budgeting, financial management, research methods for public administrators and statistics. She also serves as Director of the Chancellor’s Scholars Program.
Ph.D., Mississippi State University, 2008.

Faner Hall 3136
Curriculum Vitae