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Food and Beverage Management PDS

Professional Development Sequence (PDS) are a good option if you have a specific career path in mind. The extra focus enhances your marketability in the specific area.
Contact Information:
Niki Davis,
Program Director
Phone: 618-453-5193
Food and Beverage Management
The PDS program is meant to boost job opportunities for students interested in management of food and beverage operations. The benefits of this program include opportunities to learn while working, to enhance participant knowledge, and improve opportunities in the work place. It facilitates prospective students to transfer earned program credits to pursue a B.S. degree in Hospitality, Tourism and Event Management at SIU. The additional advantage is an opportunity to obtain National Restaurant Association ‘ManageFirst’ certification. Students not wishing to pursue a baccalaureate must complete the unclassified undergraduate application.
PDS Requirements
Requirements for PDS program in Food and Beverage Management -18 Credit Hours:
- HTEM 206
- HTEM 335
- HTEM 360
- HTEM 373
- HTEM 380
- HTEM 460