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Carbondale, IL 62901
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Endorsement Program
School social workers serve as a vital part of the educational team. They work together with educational administrators, teachers, counselors, psychologists, nurses, speech and language pathologists, and other staff. Their unique graduate level training in social work enables them to understand and interpret the influences of school, home, and community on children.
We offer a social work endorsement program, qualifying you to serve as school social workers. It’s a fulfilling career where you can make a real difference in the lives of children, their families and communities.
What Do School Social Workers Do?
School social workers' fundamental purpose is to help pupils gain the most from their educational opportunities. They help to identify, to assess, and to resolve the educational, environmental, social, and emotional difficulties that interfere with children's attendance, adjustment, and achievement at school. This requires them to help not only the children, but it requires that they work with parents, school staff, and community elements to help all parties to work together more effectively for the good of children.
How can school social workers benefit students, parents, schools and communities?
- Help students achieve the maximum benefit from their educational opportunities, understand themselves and others, improve interpersonal relationships, cope with stress, and develop decision-making skills.
- Help parents participate effectively in their children's education, understand and meet their children's social and emotional needs, understand programs available to students with special needs, and utilize school and community resources effectively.
- Help schools understand the factors (cultural, societal, economic, familial, health, etc.) that affect students' abilities maximize their school experience, utilize their resources in meeting the educational, social and emotional needs of students, and promote a safe school environment.
- Help communities understand school policies, programs, and practices, minimize the environmental factors which inhibit learning, and develop resources to adequately meet the needs of students and families.
Licensure in School Social Work Requirements
If you wish to qualify for Endorsement in Professional Educator License (PEL) in School Social Work, you will be required to complete the following:
- Complete the core courses listed for the your chosen specialization..
- Take the following courses (which will satisfy the elective requirements):
- SOCW 533: Social Work Practice in the Schools (2 credit hours) & SOCW 567: Advanced School Social Work Issues (2 credit hours)
- SPED 300 (3 credit hours as an undergraduate) -OR- SPED 420 (3 credit hours as a graduate) This is the prerequisite to field placement for students in the School Social Work Endorsement Program and must be completed before the fall semester field placements (SOCW 543A, SOC 543B).
- The field placement (SOCW 543B (3 credit hours) and SOCW 544B (3 credit hours)) will be in a school setting for two consecutive semesters.
- Pass the School Social Work licensure content exam, preferably before the start of the final semester.
Additional Resources
Teacher Education Program
Please refer to the Teacher Education Program (TEP) for the most current information on licensure requirements for School Social Work.