Main Content
Julie Davis
Julie Davis, Program Director and Associate Professor of Physical Therapist Assistant
- Pediatrics
- Ergonomics
- Student Evaluation
- Curriculum Issues
- Job satisfaction of allied health professionals
- Allied health professional’s view of academic training methods
- Physical Therapist and Physical Therapist Assistant Perceptions of Distance Learning

Office: ASA 114B
Phone: 618.453.3618
Fax: 618.453.7020
- Doctor of Rehabilitation program, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL. Preliminary examination passed Spring 2009.
- Master of Science, Physical Therapy, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, 1996
- Bachelor of Science, Biology, Barry University, Miami Shores, FL, 1995
- Bachelor of Science, Advanced Technical Studies, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, 1993
- Associate in Applied Science, Physical Therapist Assistant, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL, 1990
- Certified Clinical Instructor, American Physical Therapy Association, 2000-present
- Licensed Physical Therapist, Illinois
- Intro to Physical Therapy
- Pathology
- Physical Agents II Theory
- Physical Agents II Application
- Practicum I
- Practicum II
- Physical Therapy Science
- Neuro Ther Ex Theory
- Neuro Ther Ex Application
Articles in Professional JournalsFreeman, J.K., & Rogers, J.L. (2010). A comparison of rank ordered professional attributes by clinical instructors and allied health students. The Internet Journal of Allied Health Sciences and Practices, 8(3).
Rogers, J.L., & Freeman, J.K. (2010). Differentiating a diagnosis between temporomandibular joint disorder and sinusitis. For The Record, 22(7), 24-26.
Freeman, J.K., & Rogers, J.L. (2010). Identifying movement patterns and severity of associated pain in sign language interpreters. College Student Journal, 44(2), 325-339.
DeMattei, R., Sherry, J., Rogers, J., & Freeman, J. (2009). What future health care providers will need to know about child abuse and neglect. Health Care Manager, 28(4), 320-327.
Vaughn, H.T., Rogers, J.L., & Freeman, J.K. (2006). Does requiring continuing education units for professional licensing renewal assure quality patient care. Health Care Manager, 25(1), 78-84.
Rogers, J.L., Freeman, J.K., & Shaw, T.A. (2006). Effectiveness of teaching methods on developing positive attitudes towards death. Journal of Funeral Service Education,12(1), 16-30.
Creative ContributionsDavis, J. (2012, May). Balance issues: etiology and risk assessment. Invited speaker at Multi-Disciplinary Certificate Program in Geriatrics for Non-Physicians, O’Fallon, IL.
Davis, J. (2011, March). Balance issues: etiology and risk assessment. Invited speaker at Multi-Disciplinary Certificate Program in Geriatrics for Non-Physicians, Marion, IL.
Davis, J.K. (2010, October). Balance assessment. Invited speaker at the Illinois Physical Therapy Association Southern District Meeting, Carbondale, IL.
Davis, J. (2010, November). Ergonomic challenges in sonography. Invited speaker at continuing education course sponsored by the Southern Illinois Sonography Society at John A. Logan College, Carterville, IL.
Freeman, J.K. (2010, June). Aging and falls: Assessment, prevention and intervention. Invited speaker at continuing education course coordinated by the Continuing Education Institute of Illinois in collaboration with the University of Illinois Department of family medicine, Marion, IL.
DeMattei, R.R., Sherry, J.S., Rogers, J.L., & Freeman, J.K. (2010, April). Preparing dental hygiene students to recognize and report child abuse & neglect: How are we doing? Poster session presented at the National Oral Health Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Freeman, J.K., Rogers, J.L., DeMattei, R.R., & Sherry, J.S. (2010, April). Knowledge base and perceptions of allied health students regarding child abuse and neglect. Poster session presented at the Illinois Rural Health Association Conference, Effingham, IL.
Freeman, J.K., & Rogers, J.L. (2010, April). Clinical supervisors and allied health students: A comparison of ranked importance of professional attributes. Paper presented at the Illinois Rural Health Association Conference, Effingham, IL.
Freeman, J.K., Rogers, J.L., DeMattei, R.R., & Sherry, J.S. (2009, September). Knowledge base and perceptions of PTA students regarding child abuse. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Illinois Physical Therapy Association, Bloomington, IL.
Freeman, J.K. (2009, March). Balance and fall prevention. Invited speaker at the National Conference on Geriatrics, University of Illinois.
Freeman, J.K. (2008, October). A comparison of rank ordered generic abilities by clinical instructors and physical therapist assistant students. Poster session presented at the National Rehabilitation Association Conference, St. Louis, MO.
Freeman, J.K., & Rogers, J.L. (2007, September). Identifying movement patterns and severity of associated pain in sign language interpreters. Poster session presented at the meeting of the Illinois Physical Therapy Association, Schaumburg, Il.
Freeman, J.K.(2004, September). The role of therapy services in rehabilitation. Invited speaker at the Rehabilitation Association Conference, Carbondale, IL.