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AUPHA-LogoThe Bachelor of Science in Health Care Management is certified by Association of University Programs in Health Administration (AUPHA), a global network of colleges, universities, faculty, individuals and organizations dedicated to the improvement of health and healthcare delivery through excellence in healthcare management and policy education.

Mission Statement

The Mission of the Health Care Management (HCM) program is to prepare students for future entry-level management roles in healthcare service settings and/or to academically prepare them for graduate education.

Values Statement

The HCM program is committed to academic excellence by offering a curriculum that both meets the needs of industry leaders and the curriculum expectations of the premier undergraduate certification body of healthcare management education. The program strives to be compassionate and understanding to a diverse student population by offering multiple forms of program delivery increasing accessibility to a premier undergraduate healthcare management degree with additional minor degree options in high demand areas within the field of health care management.

Vision Statement

The Vision of the HCM program is to:

  1. increase student access to a premier undergraduate healthcare management education
  2. provide minor degree options in high demand areas of health care management
  3. support the healthcare industry through student service opportunities.