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Mohammad Sayeh
Mohammad Sayeh, Electrical Engineering Program Coordinator, Professor, School Director
Office Hours: MTWRF: 11A-12PM
Ph.D. Oklahoma State University, 1985
Dr. Sayeh's main research interests are in the areas of Photonics and Artificial Neural Networks. His research focuses on optical means with ANN architectures to solve engineering problems. Optical delta-sigma modulator with promise of THz modulation rate is his current project.
Research Activities
Neural Networks
- Theory and Application
- Optical Implementation of Associative Memories, 1986 - present
Teaching Interests
- Photonics
- Neural Networks
- Dynamical Systems
Engineering E-204
Labs: Photonics-1, Photonics-2
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, December, 1985
M.E. Electrical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, August, 1982
B.S. Electrical Engineering, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma, May, 1981
Courses Taught
Undergraduate level
- Electric Circuits
- Electromagnetic Fields
- Linear Systems, Electronics
- Laser Electronics
- Solid-State Devices
- Digital Signal Processing
Graduate level
- Dynamical Systems
- Random Systems Modeling and Analysis
- Neural Networks
- Optical Information Processing
Short-Courses Taught
- "Neural Networks for Engineers," SPIE Midwest Conference, Chicago, 1993 and 1995
- "Artificial Neural Networks," SPIE Midwest Conference, Chicago, 1990 and 1992
- "Fundamentals of Learning," Artificial Neural Networks in Engineering Conference, St. Louis, 1991, 1992, and 1993
Current Graduate Students
Ph.D. Level
- John Eynon, "A Learning Technique for Feedforward Neural Networks"
- Ronald Marusarz, "Image Transmission Through Optical Fiber"
M.S. Level
- Darren Zenn, "Optical Associative Memories"
- Kassandra Haak, "Fractional Fourier Transform"
Ph.D. Level
- R. Athinarayanan, "A Dynamical-System Approach to classification and Recognition of Analog Input Information," 1994
M.S. Level
- N.S. Haider, "On the Modification of Hopfield Model as an Associative Memory," 1988
- R. Athinarayanan, "Pattern Classification in Artificial Neural Networks," 1990
- M. Abbasi, "A Class of Learning Algorithms for Multi-layer Perceptron," 1990
- X. Yuan, "Study of Diffraction Efficiency of Volume Hologram in LiNbO3," 1991
- I. Suhrawardy, "Electronic Implementation of Hopfield-type Neural Networks," 1991
- A. Banergee, "Implementation of a Multi-mode Fiber Optic Smart Sensor Through the Use of Neural Networks," 1992
- P. Varangis, "Mode Competition in Resonators," 1992
- B. Arianlou, "Analysis of Intensity Distribution of Multi-mode Fiber Optic Strain Sensor Based on Ray Tracing," 1993
- P.K. Dhali, "Texture Segmentation Using Clustering Algorithms and Khohonen Network," 1993
- M. Greatline, "Neural Network Based Autopilot," 1993
- S. Ahmed, "Simple Multiplexing of Multimode Fiber Optic Strain Sensors Using Artificial Neural Networks," 1994