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Sally Potter-McIntyre
Sally Potter-McIntyre, Associate Professor
- A.S. 2004, Colorado Mountain College
- B.S. 2006, Mesa State College
- M.S. 2009, University of Utah
- Ph.D. 2012, University of Utah

Office: Parkinson Lab 215 C
Phone: 618-453-7372
Curriculum Vitae
Research Interests
My research is in clastic sedimentology with an emphasis on diagenesis. I combine traditional techniques such as field methods, petrography, and X-ray diffraction with novel ones such as QEMSCAN and detrital zircon geochronology to solve problems using new approaches. My two principal research foci are: 1. paleogeography and basin evolution, and 2. astrobiology and Mars sedimentology using terrestrial analogs.
Current Projects
- Magmatic Intrusions into Sulfur-rich Sediments: An Exposed Potential Subsurface Habitable Environment as an Analog for the Martian Crust
- Basin reconstruction of the Central Colorado Trough
- Distinguishing biotic from abiotic precipitation mechanisms: Ten Mile Graben cold spring system
- Constraining conditions for habitability in diagenetic environments
- The origin and persistence of diagenetic jarosite and alunite in Jurassic rocks on the Colorado Plateau
Selected Publications
Chan, Marjorie A., Hinman, Nancy W., Potter-McIntyre, Sally L., Schubert, Keith E., Gillams, Richard J., Awramik, Stanley M., Boston, Penelope, Bower, Dina M., Des Marais, David J., Farmer, Jack, King, Penelope L., Kirshvink, Joe, Hazen, Robert M., Léveillé, Richard J. Papineau, Dominic, Sánchez-Román, Mónica, Spear, John R., Southam, Gordon, Stern, Jennifer C., Rempfert, Kaitlin R., Jia, Tony Z. and Cleaves II, H. James, 2018, Biosignatures in Planetary Context, Frontiers in Microbiology, in review.
Potter-McIntyre, S.L., McCollom, T.M., 2018, Jarosite and alunite in ancient terrestrial sedimentary rocks: Reinterpreting martian depositional and diagenetic environmental conditions, Life.
Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Breeden, J.R., Malone, D., 2018, A Maastrichtian birth of the Mississippi River, Cretaceous Research, v. 91, p. 71-79.
Thomas, R.J., Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Hynek, B.M., 2017, Large-scale fluid-deposited mineralization in Margaritifer Terra, Mars, Geophysical Research Letters, v. 122, p. 483-500.
Hays, L.E., Graham, H.V., Horgan, B. Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Williams, A.J., Des Marais, D., Parenteau, M.N., Hausrath, E., McCollom, T.M., Lynch, K.L., 2017, Report from the Biosignature Preservation and Detection in Mars Analog Environments Workshop, Astrobiology, doi: 10.1089/ast.2016.1627.
Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Williams, J., Phillips-Lander, C., O’Connell, L., 2016, Identification and Preservation Over Geologic Time of Biosignatures in Cold Spring Carbonates, Astrobiology, doi: 10.1089/ast.2016.1495.
Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Chan, M.A., and McPherson, B.J., 2014, Evaluating the Role of Organics, Mineralogy and Petrophysical Properties on Early Diagenesis and Concretion Formation in Volcaniclastic Host Rock Composition, Journal of Sedimentary Research.
Potter-McIntyre, S.L., Chan, M.A. and McPherson, B.J., 2014, Textural and Mineralogical Characteristics of Microbial Fossils Associated with Modern and Ancient Iron (Oxyhydr)oxides, Astrobiology, v.14, no.1.
Diniega, S., Balcerski, J., Carande, B., Diaz-Silva, R.A., Fraeman, A.A., Guzewich, S.D., Hudson, J., Nahm, A.L., Potter-McIntyre. S.L., Route, M., Sayanagi, K., Urban, K., Vasisht, S., Benneke, B., Gil, S., Livi, R., Williams, B., Budney, C.J., Lowes, L.L., 2013. Mission to the Trojan Asteroids: lessons learned during a JPL Planetary Science Summer School mission design exercise. Planetary and Space Science, Planetary and Space Science, DOI:10.1016/j.pss.2012.11.011.
Potter-McIntyre, Sally L., Allen, J.L., Lee, S-Y., Chan M.A., McPherson, B.J., 2013. Iron Precipitation in a Natural CO2 Reservoir: Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in the northern San Rafael Swell, UT, USA. Geofluids, doi: 10.1111/gfl.12014.
Allen, J.L., Lee, S-Y., Potter, S.L., 2013, Three Dimensional Geologic Model of the Eolian Jurassic Navajo Sandstone in Central Utah for the Evaluation of CO2 Sequestration, UGA Publication 42.
Chan, M.A., Parry, W. T., Bowen, B.B., and Potter, S.L., 2011. Follow the water: Connecting a CO2 reservoir and bleached sandstone to iron-rich concretions in the Navajo Sandstone of south-central Utah, USA – COMMENT. Geology.
Potter, Sally L., Chan, M., Petersen, E., Dyar, M.D., Sklute, E., 2011. Characterization of Navajo Sandstone Concretions: Mars comparison and criteria for distinguishing diagenetic origins. Earth and Planetary Science Letters 301, 444-456.
Potter, Sally L., Chan, M.A., 2011. Joint controlled fluid flow patterns and iron mass transfer in Jurassic Navajo Sandstone, Southern Utah, USA. Geofluids 11, 184-198.
Barge, L.M., Hammond, D.E., Chan, M.A., Potter, S.L., Petruska, J., Nealson, K.H., 2011. Precipitation patterns formed by self-organizing processes in porous media. Geofluids 11, 124-133.
Book Chapters:
Chan, M.A., Potter, S.L., Bowen, B.B., Petersen, E.U., Parry, W. T., Bowman, J.R., Barge, L., and Seiler, W., 2011. Characteristics of terrestrial ferric oxide concretions and implications for Mars, in: Grotzinger, J. and Milliken, R. (eds.), Sedimentary Geology of Mars: SEPM Special Publication 102.