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Doctor of Philosophy in Geosciences

Professional geoscientists worked across a range of sectors, from applications in industry to training the next generation in academic settings. Whether investigating the past, measuring the present, or modeling the future, the PhD in Geosciences focuses on training high-level professionals for geoscience careers.
The southern Illinois region offers a wide variety of geologic conditions that are suitable for graduate study. However, our faculty and students are currently working on a range of geoscience in diverse environments. Examples include studies of the East African Rift System and environments in the western United States that serve as analogs for the study of Mars.
Graduates from the doctoral program in Geosciences at SIU serve in a range of professional roles. Please contact us today to learn about how our program might help you reach your professional goals.
Degree Requirements
The program of study is flexible, to allow students to take courses offered by departments within the College of Science, and across campus. Each student is expected to take graduate-level courses (excluding readings, independent studies, and internship) of at least 3 credits each from at least four different faculty members at SIUC. The program requires a minimum of 48 semester hours, 24 of which may be 600-level dissertation credits.
View the graduate catalog for full list of requirements.