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Doctor of Philosophy in Historical Studies

Our acclaimed History Ph.D. program is known for its exceptional research and boasts small and diverse classes where professors are also active scholars and easily accessible. SIU-Carbondale and SIU-Edwardsville have formed a cooperative and students may study on both campuses. This provides students access to almost double the faculty and each professor has a distinct expertise.
It is a two-part 4-5-year program ending with a dissertation. Students begin by taking courses to prepare for exams in two general fields and one focused (pertaining to the chosen area of research). The Ph.D. program is one of the few that receives funding from the American Historical Society for career diversity. Graduates of our program have gone on to high-profile careers in a multitude of fields.

Program Requirements
All Students seeking a Ph.D. degree in historical studies must pass preliminary examinations and submit a satisfactory dissertation based on independent and original research.
In preparation for preliminary examinations, the doctoral student must complete at least 24 graduate credit hours. These hours must be completed during a period of not more than four calendar years and must include six 500 level courses.
Admission Requirements
Applications for the Ph.D. program are assessed on a rolling basis, as students apply. Applications submitted in January will receive the highest consideration for assistantships, fellowships, and other awards.
Applicants usually have an undergraduate degree and/or M.A. with a focus in history. Applicants should have demonstrated research experience and excellence in previous historical coursework (3.25 GPA or better in M.A. work).
Assistantships, Awards, and Financial Aid
For many, advanced degrees are made possible through tuition assistance. Funding via fellowships, assistantships, awards, and financial aid is based on merit as well as social, cultural, and economic factors.
Yearly teaching assistantship applications are available upon request. Assistantships carry a full tuition waiver and are awarded in the spring for the coming academic year. Acceptable progress toward a degree and satisfactory performance as a TA/GA are requirements for annual renewal of funding.
Contact Information
Getahun Benti,
Graduate Coordinator
Faner Hall 3329
1000 Faner Dr
Carbondale, IL 62901
Phone: 618-453-6847
Student Organizations
All SIU Carbondale History Graduate students are automatically included in the History Graduate Student Association (HGSA). The objective of the HGSA is to promote, support, and represent history students. A yearly-elected body of the HGSA, known as the Steering Committee, represents History graduate students throughout the SIU Carbondale campus.
To advocate the objective of community and professionalism on the SIU campus, both the HGSA and the Steering Committee encourage and engage with the following groups: Graduate Assistant Union, the Graduate and Professional Student Council, the SIU Carbondale chapter of the Phi Alpha Theta (undergraduate History Honor Society), and other professional organizations.