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Peter Filip
Peter Filip, Professor
Ph.D. TU Ostrava, 1983
Dr. Peter Filip is a Professor in the MAME at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. He has contributed to the understanding of the relationship between the structure and properties of metals, ceramics, composite materials, pioneering work in the development and optimization of brake linings, and smart implant materials. He has developed analytical procedures and friction materials’ design optimization tools based on the understanding of mechanisms applied.
Dr. Filip has published more than 200 publications in scientific journals and conference proceedings, three books, seven patents, and has been the principal investigator of twelve granted national (8) and international (4) projects. He possesses over twenty-five years of teaching at universities, has supervised more than 60 master degree graduates and 21 Ph.D. graduates, has served on numerous committees, such as the ASTM and SAE International Standardization Committees.
Areas of Specialization and Interest
- Friction and Wear Testing Procedures for Composite Materials
- Light Microscopy and Image/Quantitative Analysis (LM)
- X-ray Diffraction Analysis (XRD)
- Scanning Electron Microscopy + Energy Dispersive Analysis (SEM + EDAX)
- Transmission Electron Microscopy + Energy Dispersive Analysis (TEM + EDAX)
- X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS)
- Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES)
- Nanoindentation and Testing of Mechanical Properties
- Testing of Thermal Properties (Differential Scanning Calorimetry(DSC), Thermal Diffusivity, Dilalometry(CTE)
- Carbon fiber reinforced ceramic matrix composite materials
- Nanocrystalline composites for biomedical applications
- Polymer matrix composite materials for frictional applications
- Advanced tooling materials with intermetallic matrices
- Characterization of materials

Office: ENGR E023
Phone: 618-453-1166
Fax: 618-453-5260
- D.Sc. Physical Metallurgy (1999), Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic.
- Ph.D. Physical Metallurgy (1989), TU Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- M.S. Physical Metallurgy (1983), TU Ostrava, Czech Republic.
- The Dan Mahannah Achievement Award, 2012.
- Most outstanding SAE Technical Papers, 2008 & 2010.
- Gold Medal from the Chinese Friction and Sealing Material Association, 2010.
- Starley Award for the best original paper in automotive industry, London IMechE, 2003.
- Best Technical Paper Award - Berg und Huettenmaenische Monatshefte, 1997.
Selected Publications
- L.A. Shupert, S.D. Ebbs, J. Lawrence, D.J. Gibson, P. Filip, "Growth and accumulation by the invasive macrophyte Salvinia molesta Mitchell", Chemosphere 92, (2013), 45-51
- A. Gupta, M. Woods, K. Illingworth, R. Niemeier, I. Schafer, C. Cady, P. Filip, S. El-Amin, "Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering", Journal of Orthopedic Research, Published on 29th APR 2013, DOI: 10.1002/jor.22379
- P.W. Lee, P. Filip, "Friction and wear of Cu-free and Sb-free environmentally friendly automotive brake materials", Wear, (2013)
- Dvorackova J, Bielnikova H, Kukutschova J, Peikertova P, Filip P, Zelenik K, Kominek P, Uvirova M, Pradna J, Cermakova Z, Dvoracek I, "Detection of nano- and micro-sized particles in routine biopsy material - pilot study", Biomed Pap Med Fac Univ Palacky Olomouc Czech Repub, (2012), 156-161
- S. Ozcan, J. Tezcan, B. Gurung, P. Filip, “The effect of heat treatment temperature on the interfacial shear strength of C/C composites," J Mater Sci, Vol. 46, (2011), 38-46.
- Y.C. Pan, T.P. Chu, and P. Filip, “Intelligent Nondestructive Testing Expert System for Carbon-Carbon Composites Using Infrared Thermography,” Materials Evaluation, Vol. 69 (7), (2011), 834-842.
- T. Policandriotes, P. Filip, "Effects of selected nanoadditives on the friction and wear performance of carbon―carbon aircraft brake composites," Wear, Vol. 271, (9 and 10), (2011), 2280-2289.
- J. Kukutschová , P. Moravec, V. Tomášek, V. Matějka, J. Smolík, J. Schwarz, J. Seidlerová, K. Šafářová, P. Filip; "On airborne nano/micro-sized wear particles released from low-metallic automotive brakes," Environmental Pollution, Vol 159, (4), (2011), 998–1006.
- M. Paliwal, D.G. Allan, P. Filip: "Failure analysis of three uncemented titanium-alloy modular total hip stems," Engineering Failure Analysis, 17 (2010), 1230-1238.
- R. Yun, Y. Lu, P. Filip: "Performance and evaluation of eco-friendly brake friction materials", Tribology International, Vol. 43, (2010), 2010-2019.
- J. Kukutschova, V. Roubicek, M. Maslan, D. Jancik, V. Slovak, K. Malachova, Z. Pavlickova, P. Filip: "Wear performance and wear debris of semimetallic automotive brake materials", Wear, 268, (2010), 86-93.
- Y. C. Pan, R. A. Miller, T. P. Chu, P. Filip: "Thermal diffusivity mapping of carbon carbon composite," Material evaluation journal, Vol. 67 (5), (2009), 540-546.
- S. Ozcan, J. Tezcan, P. Filip: "Microstructure and elastic properties of individual components of c/c composites," Carbon 47, (2009), 3403-3414.
- J. Kukutschova, V. Roubicek, K. Malachova, Z. Pavlickova, R. Holusa, J. Kubackova, V. Micka, D. MacCrimmon, P. Filip: "Wear mechanism in automotive brake materials, Wear debris and its potential environmental impact," Wear Vol. 267, (2009), 807-817.