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Management Faculty
Our faculty members are leading the charge in providing cutting-edge, world class business education to students in each of our degree programs and majors. Our students are fortunate to study with faculty who are known nationally and internationally for their contributions in teaching, research and service in their respective fields.
Min Carter, Professor of Management
Dr. Min Z. Carter is a Full Professor of Management at College of Business, Southern Illinois University. She received her Ph.D. in Management from Auburn University. Prior to joining SIU, she completed a two-year post-doctoral program at Auburn University and served on faculty at Troy University. She also received her MBA from Troy University and BS in Mechanical Engineering from Zhejiang University.
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Rehn Hall, 207A
Ye Dai, Associate Professor
Ye Dai joined the College of Business in the fall of 2012 as an assistant professor of management. He received his Ph.D. in management from The University of Texas at Austin, his M.A. in international political economy and development from Fordham University, and his B.A. in international business and communication from Nanjing University in China.
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Rehn Hall, 215A
Gregory DeYong, Associate Professor
Greg DeYong is an Associate Professor of Operations Management at Southern Illinois University in Carbondale, Illinois. In addition to over 15 years of industrial experience in purchasing, scheduling, ERP systems and factory management.
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Rehn Hall, 207C
John Goodale, Interim Director of the School of Management and Marketing and Associate Professor
Dr. Goodale, a native of southern Michigan, joined the SIU College of Business and Analytics in Fall 2009. Noting the quality of potential peers, Dr. Goodale was sold on the College of Business, "I was attracted to SIU and the Management Department because of the faculty. I feel fortunate to be working in a department with such dedicated and successful scholars."
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Rehn Hall, 116A
Greg Hoffeditz, Clinical Associate Professor
Greg Hoffeditz holds a Ph.D. in Human Resource Education, with a focus on Human Resource Development and Organizational Development, from the University of Illinois; MA in Management from Webster University; and BS in Law Enforcement Administration from Western Illinois University.
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Rehn Hall, 213A
Steven Karau, Gregory A. Lee Professor of Management
Steve Karau teaches courses in organizational behavior and human resources. He conducts research on a range of organizational behavior issues, with a special focus on motivation within groups, team performance, ethical issues in management, gender differences in leadership, and personality. He has published more than 40 articles in a variety of top management and psychology journals, including the Journal of Business Ethics, the Journal of Business Research, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Psychological Bulletin, and Psychological Review, and his articles are frequently cited by other scholars. He is probably best known for his theoretical contributions as co-developer of the Collective Effort Model of individual motivation on group tasks (with Kip Williams of Purdue University) and Role Congruity Theory of prejudice toward female leaders (with Alice Eagly of Northwestern University).
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Rehn Hall, 211A
Bill Mishk, Assistant Lecturer
Bill comes to SIU after a multi-year career as a senior executive in the airline industry. After relocating to the Midwest for college, Bill settled in the St. Louis area and started work in the airline business for a Midwest airline that was eventually acquired by American Airlines.
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Rehn Hall, 212A
Peter Mykytyn, Jr., Management Program Coordinator and Professor of Management
Professor Mykytyn’s research focuses on using information systems to achieve and sustain a competitive advantage; the relationship between information systems and the law, with special emphasis on intellectual property (patents, copyrights, and trademarks) as they relate to information systems and electronic commerce; use of group support systems to improve and support decision making with special interests involving virtual teams.
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Rehn Hall, 209A
Kay Nelson, Professor of Management, Emeritus
Professor Nelson joined the College of Business faculty in 2005. She was the Director the Partnership for Innovation Center for 3 years and has developed and presented a “one of a kind” hands-on MBA Innovation Course coupled with Engineering College capstone project courses.
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