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Engineering Science

SIU Engineering Science Student works on Drone

Our program, which supports a cooperative program with SIU Edwardsville, is housed in a modern engineering complex with well-equipped laboratories and computer facilities. Research opportunities and funding are provided through the Advanced Energy Institute, the Materials Technology Center, and the Office of Sponsored Projects Administration. The Ph.D. in Engineering Science is available in five concentrations: Civil and Environmental Engineering, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Industrial and Quality Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, and Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering.

Doctoral Program

Our comprehensive Ph.D. program boasts five distinct concentrations, each designed to nurture expertise in their respective domains: from water resources and seismic analysis in Civil and Environmental Engineering to power electronics and image processing in Electrical and Computer Engineering. Whether you're passionate about lean enterprise techniques in Industrial and Quality Engineering, the intricacies of heat transfer in Mechanical Engineering and Energy Processes, or the innovative systems in Mining and Mineral Resources Engineering, this program has been curated for the next generation of engineering leaders. In collaboration with SIU-Edwardsville, we've also pioneered a cooperative Ph.D. pathway, offering an enriched academic experience.


College of Engineering, Computing, Technology, and Mathematics | 618-453-4321 |